25 Hilarious Cookie Monster Quotes To Please Your Sweet Tooth

While Elmo may be the big star of Sesame Street, and Oscar the Grouch the muppet version of Larry David, some would suggest the real hero of the series has been hiding under the cookie jar all along. Cookie Monster is adorable, he’s unfiltered, he loves him some cookies, and holy cow is he hilarious. Still have your doubts? Here are the funniest quotes by Cookie Monster this side of Sesame Street.
1. “C is for cookie that’s good enough for me.”
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2. “Om Nom Nom Nom.”
3. “Home is where heart is. Heart where cookie is. Math clear: home is cookie.”
4. “Sometimes me think, what is friend? And then me say: a friend is someone to share last cookie with.”
5. “Chocolate chip important to me… It mean whole lot to me… Om nom nom nom.”
6. “Fruit… or Cookie… Fruit… Cookie… Me Cookie Monster! This No-Brainer!”
7. “Me love poetry… and cookies!”
8. “Me wasn’t born with name Cookie Monster. It just nickname dat stuck. Me don’t remember me real name… Maybe it was Sidney?”
9. “Onion rings are just vegetable donuts.”
10. “Today me will live in the moment, unless it’s unpleasant in which case me will eat a cookie.”
11. “Who care if me eat carrot or collard greens. Me also like broccoli and lettuce and lima beans. Me still cookie monster. That not a sham.”
12. “I’d give you a cookie, but I ate it.”
13. “Me Love to Eat Cookies. Sometimes eat whole, sometimes me chew it.”
14. “Keep Calm & Eat Cookies.”
15. “No get upset, okay? Don’t get excited. Me not fussy — just give me box of cookies.”
16. “Me lost me cookie at the disco.”
17. “Me just met you and this is crazy, but you got cookie, so share it maybe?”
18. “That what wrong with the media today. All they have is questions, questions, questions. They never have cookies.”
19. “Now what starts with the letter C?
Cookie starts with C Let’s think of other things That starts with C Oh, who cares about the other things?
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C
Hey you know what? A round cookie with one bite out of it Looks like a C A round donut with one bite out of it Also looks like a C But it is not as good as a cookie Oh and the moon sometimes looks like a C But you can’t eat that, so
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me, yeah!
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C, yeah! Cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C, oh boy! Cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C!”
20. (On a morning show discussing cookie recipe) “Pretty much everything here in little bowls you put in the big bowls, and then you, like, stir it up.”
21. “Early bird gets the worm. But cookie taste better than worm. So me sleep in.”
― Cookie Monster
22. “Cookie is like high five for stomach.” ― The Cookie Monster
Cookie Monster Fun Facts
23. Cookie Monster has five fingers on each hand while all the other muppets have four.
24. It takes two puppeteers to bring Cookie Monster to life.
25. Cookie Monster’s first name is Sid.
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