11 Love Compatibility Tests To (Maybe) Determine If You've Found The One

Looking for a compatibility test to know if you’ve found the one? Let’s face it, nothing will ever replace those years of getting to know each other, getting over the fights, helping each other through personal and professional challenges, working through your issues with your parents — or, you know, surviving a trip to IKEA as a couple!
But they are a great way to pass the time with a partner, and possibly, an enjoyable way to discover some new things about the person who you’ve got the hots for right now! Here are some fun compatibility tests you can take with or without your partner. And just in case you’re wondering, no you’re not the only one searching for these. In fact, according to the latest search data available, compatibility tests are searched for nearly 50,000 times per month. Per month! So we’ve gone ahead and rounded up some of the most popular ones out there to take with friends or bae.
1) 36 Questions that Will Make You Fall In Love
Answer these 36 questions together and you may just fall in love. It worked for Mandy Len Catron, who wrote about it for the New York Times. These set of questions, devised by psychologist Arthur Aron for a study of intimacy, are meant to create vulnerability. Answering these questions honestly will definitely help you feel close to your significant other!
2) 538 Personality Test
This personality test from 538 is meant as a more scientific alternative to the somewhat discredited Myers-Briggs personality test. It uses qualifications actually used by psychologists to determine people’s personalities, something called the Deep Five system. Take the test with your partner (each will have to take it separately, of course!) and compare your results!
3) Horoscope.com’s Name Compatibility Test
This compatibility test compares your name with your partner or crush’s name to determine compatibility. How it does it? Does it even work? It is totally silly? We don’t know the answer to any of these questions but we know that it is possibly the least time consuming compatibility test we’ve ever seen and it is definitely entertaining!
4) Buzzfeed’s Zodiac Sign Compatibility Test
By looking at strange images and describing your feelings towards them, this Buzzfeed quiz will be able to tell you what astrological sign you’re most compatible with. How this is determined is a total mystery, but this is one of the wackiest compatibility tests we’ve seen — and the most unique one!
5) Myrealpersonality.com Couple Test – Do You Match?
This test from myrealpersonality.com uses 15 questions to determine whether you and your significant other match. Again, no scientific method behind this one, but it’s fast and enjoyable.
Related: 80+ Relationship Questions That Will Deepen Your Love And Bond
6) ProProf’s Compatibility Test
Again, this test has 13 questions about compatibility. Pretty straightforward.
7) XConfessions App
XConfessions is sexual compatibility sex of sorts. It allows you to swipe on sexual fantasies and see if any of the ones you have may match with those of your partner. A test that allows you to spice up your sex life? Sounds like a pretty great deal to us.
8) SimilarMinds Compatibility Test
This test, which is based on the Carl Jung personality test (similar to Myers Briggs,) is a pretty time consuming affair, with 60 questions for each partner. But if you’re looking for something a little bit more thorough and time consuming (though again, not scientific!) — this is a perfect test for you!
9) Truity’s Which Personality Type is Your Love Match?
This short test will tell you what type of personality would best suite you in a romantic partner. It’s a hoot! But, as Truity’s staff write in their disclaimer: “This quiz is just for fun. Please don’t marry anyone based solely on the results from this quiz.” We hope you don’t marry anyone based solely on any of these quizzes!
RELATED: What Is A “Type A” Personality And How Do You Deal With One?
10) Self-Expansion Quiz for Love
This test, from Dr. Gary Lewandowski, is meant to test how healthy and self-expanding your relationship is (as in, how much is this relationship making you grow?) It’s always a good thing to test, but also, this is just a 10 question quiz, so don’t put all your romantic eggs in this here quiz-basket.
11) Compatibility Test: 7 Simple Points That Say It All
This test uses the proto-scientific four temperament theory to test your compatibility with your partner. This theory was developed by Hippocrates in ancient Greece, so we’re not talking about a super cutting edge scientific quiz here. Still, it’s a delightful way to pass the time.
12. Friendship Compatibility Test
For friends who are into astrology, this friendship compatibility test from Daily Horoscope is just the thing to confirm your friendship was destined by the stars.
Related: 20+ Signs You’re In Love For Real According To Some Science
Fun Couples Quiz Questions
If you want to know whether you and your boo are really meant to be take a couple’s quiz. We’ve scoured the internet for the most personality and relationship exposing questions we could find! After you’re both done answering everything you can compare your answers and see how many you answered the same.
- If you had one day left to live, what would you do?
- Where would you most like to go on vacation?
- What would you do if you won $10,000?
- How would you feel if I made more money than you?
- Would you rather go for a hot air balloon ride or bungee jump?
- Do you sing in the shower?
- Sleep in or rise early?
- Read a book or watch TV?
- Kiss or hug?
- Strength workout or cardio?
- Ocean or lake?
- Winter or summer?
- Family or friends?
- Were you popular in high school?
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