55+ Comedian Jokes The Class Clown In You Will Love

Comedians are a unique breed, and proudly so. They’re the Greek chorus on the sidelines of society, commenting, critiquing, and dissecting culture and morality. They hold up a mirror to our many faults, daring us to question our norms, ridiculous traditions, or just straight-up stupidity. And they do it all while getting laughs. Good comedy is like philosophy, it makes us question and confronts our faults while providing an alternate point of view — and a good comedian plays the role of the ultimate devil’s advocate. It seems not a week goes by without yet another news cycle about what topic is off-limits, and the consensus is usually the same — if a comedian is not offending someone, they’re not doing a good enough job.
Looking for some laughs with a serving of thoughtfulness? We’ve gone ahead and rounded up the best jokes from the biggest comedy stars of our time like Joan Rivers, Chris Rock, Adam Sandler, Ali Wong, Aziz Ansari, George Carlin, Tiffany Haddish, Amy Schumer, and so many more.
- “Proof that we don’t understand death is that we give dead people a pillow.” — Jerry Seinfeld
- “The first time I see a jogger smiling, I’ll consider it.” — Joan Rivers
- “You know what happened to Oprah at 23? She got fired. Imagine firing Oprah. It wasn’t a mistake. Because she wasn’t Oprah. She was just some 23-year-old punk who needed to get fired so she could become Oprah.” — Leslie Jones
- “I used to work at McDonald’s making minimum wage. You know what that means when someone pays you minimum wage? You know what your boss was trying to say? ‘Hey, if I could pay you less, I would, but it’s against the law.'” — Chris Rock
- “I joined a mom’s group in Los Angeles. Yeah, I don’t find any of these bitches particularly interesting or fun, but when you’re a new mom on maternity leave, it’s like The Walking Dead – you just gotta hook up with a crew to survive.” — Ali Wong
- “I went to a place recently I think is one of the most fucked up places I’ve ever been to. I’m convinced this place is the epitome of American excess, of American greed. I’m talking about a place called Cold Stone Creamery. Whoa. If you have not been there, the basic gist of Cold Stone is that they take ice cream and then they just go ape shit with it.” — Aziz Ansari
- “I’ll tell ya, in New York City, where I’ve lived far too long, ‘fuck’ isn’t even a word, it’s a comma.” — Lewis Black
- “My name is Adam. My father’s name is Adam. Having the same name as your father, it’s alright until your voice changes. My friends would always call up, “Is Adam there?” My father would say, “This is Adam.” My friends would say, “Adam, you were so wasted last night.” — Adam Sandler
- “Advice to children crossing the street: Damn the lights. Watch the cars. The lights ain’t never killed nobody.” — Moms Mabley
- “I like a woman with a head on her shoulders. I hate necks.” — Steve Martin
- “When I asked my personal trainer at the gym which machine I should use to impress beautiful women he pointed outside and said the ATM machine.” — Trevor Noah
- “I don’t like country music, but I don’t mean to denigrate those who do. And for those who like country music, denigrate means to ‘put down.'” — Bob Newhart
- “A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it.” — Bob Hope
- “Have you ever watched, like, a cartoon that you used to watch when you were little, as an adult? I was sittin’ there with my nephew. I turned it on Sesame Street. And I was, like, “Oh, good. Sesame Street. Now he’ll learn how to count and spell.” But now I’m watching it as an adult and I realize that Sesame Street teaches kids other things. It teaches kids how to judge people and label people. That’s right. They got this one character named Oscar. They treat this guy like shit the entire show. They judge him right to his face. “Oscar, you are so mean. Isn’t he, kids?” “Yeah. Oscar, you’re a grouch!” He’s, like, “Bitch, I live in a fucking trash can! I’m the poorest motherfucker on Sesame Street. Nobody’s helping me.” Now you wonder why your kids grow up and step over homeless people, like, “Get it together, grouch. Get a job, grouch.” — Dave Chappelle
- “I think that I get labeled a sex comic just because I’m a woman. Like, a guy could get up here and literally pull his dick out and people would be like, ‘He’s a thinker.’” — Amy Schumer
- “I don’t get high, but sometimes I wish I did. That way, when I messed up in life I would have an excuse. But right now there’s no rehab for stupidity.” — Chris Rock
- “I finished a big book the other day. 421 pages. That’s a lot of coloring when you think about it.” — Adam Sandler
- “With kids it’s so funny because they’re not strong enough to kill you. But they want to kill you so bad.” — Tina Fey
- “I’m always excited to see the Kardashians. The family is basically the ‘Star Wars’ franchise. They make a ton of money. A new one is always popping up! And they’re ruled by a bossy overlord who sleeps in a mask and she loves black men.” — Tiffany Haddish
- “The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how much I play, I’ll never be as good as a wall. I played a wall once. They’re relentless.” — Mitch Hedberg
- “I hate Arizona. It always eight hundred degrees outside and everybody’s always saying, ‘But it’s a dry heat!’ So’s the inside of my microwave.” — Joan Rivers
- “Breastfeeding is this savage ritual that just reminds you that your body is a cafeteria now.” — Ali Wong
- “Your twenties are the worst part of your life that you don’t actually know at the time is terrible.” — Julie Klausner
- “If it’s the Psychic Network why do they need a phone number?” — Robin Williams
- “I wear the kind of bra where if you put it on the floor, the floor would have boobs.” — Ali Wong
- “There are two kinds of people I don’t trust: people who don’t drink and people who collect stickers.” — Chelsea Handler
- “By the time a man is wise enough to watch his step, he’s too old to go anywhere.” — Billy Crystal
- “Do you know what I love most about baseball? The pine tar, the resin, the grass, the dirt. And that’s just in the hot dogs.” — David Letterman
- “Ah, yes, divorce … from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man’s genitals through his wallet.” — Robin Williams
- “Never laugh at your significant other when they’re having an orgasm. That is their time to shine.” — Iliza Shlesinger
- “I believe in the institution of marriage, and I intend to keep trying until I get it right.” — Richard Pryor
- “I can’t believe we’re still giving clothing as a gift. Cause whenever you get clothing as a present, you always open it up and you think, ‘Not even close.’ And the person that gives it is always like, ‘You can take it back if you don’t like it.’ ‘That’s alright. I’ll just throw it out.’ Don’t give me an errand.” — Jim Gaffigan
- “I have enough money to last me the rest of my life… unless I buy something.” — Jackie Mason
- “There are only three things women need in life: food, water, and compliments.” — Chris Rock
- “You don’t pay taxes – they take taxes.” — Chris Rock
- “Accept who you are. Unless you’re a serial killer.” — Ellen DeGeneres
- “If the presidency is the head of the American body politic, Congress is its gastrointestinal tract.” — Jon Stewart
- “DIY stands for “you should’ve married someone with more money.” — Ali Wong
- “Have you ever dated a sex addict? At first, it’s so much fun. You’re like, ‘Am I the hottest piece of ass in the world?’ And then you’re like, ‘Oh no. He would fuck a mailbox.’” — Amy Schumer
- “My wife and I, we fool around pretty hardcore. We go at a pretty good. It’s fun. You know, it’s nice. We love each other, and we fucking go pretty hard and… it gets crazy. It gets pretty fucking nuts in there because it’s only me and her, nobody else. So, we’re like, “Let’s fucking… Let’s do it all,” you know? We do, uh… We do have a safe word. It’s, “Really?” — Adam Sandler
- “There was a point in time when we were in (Disneyland) where I lost my daughter. But I knew eventually I would run into her again, so I took that time to get on rides she couldn’t get on. When I saw her she was crying. I was like, ‘It’s not your birthday. Today’s not about you.'” — Kevin Hart
- “If the people of New Zealand want to be part of our world, I believe they should hop off their islands, and push ’em closer.” — Lewis Black
- “Marriage is good, guys. Marriage is good. You’ll like it one day if you’re not married. You just got to keep it mysterious. You got to keep the mystery alive. Like, my wife has no idea where I go for weeks at a time. – It’s fucking… It’s a big mystery.” — Adam Sandler
- “Each of us is full of shit in our own special way. We are all shitty little snowflakes dancing in the universe.” — Lewis Black
- “Gun control? We need bullet control! I think every bullet should cost 5,000 dollars. Because if a bullet cost five thousand dollars, we wouldn’t have any innocent bystanders.” — Chris Rock
- “Russia, they sneaky. Them some sneaky motherfuckers. Who else would think of those little stacking dolls? What the fuck is that? All those damn nesting dolls. That’s some sneaky shit. “Oh, here’s another one.” “Open it again.” “It’s another one! And another one! And another one! Okay, this is the last one, right? God damn, there’s another one!'” — Wanda Sykes
- “I wanna be able to take a stroll on a sidewalk, see a quarter, and just keep on walking.” — Ali Wong
- “You know what happened the last time a group of people said, ‘Screw it, we don’t care what you think’? They got hung as witches.” — Iliza Shlesinger
- “My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them.” — Mitch Hedberg
- “I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.” — George Carlin
- “Honesty may be the best policy, but it’s important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy.” — George Carlin
- “I heard this guy going around talking about how he was this big rap producer, and he was just going around and boasting and bragging. And in one of those bragging sessions, I heard him just tell somebody, ‘Hey, hey — why don’t you try making four beats a day for two summers?’ What a dangerously specific challenge that is.” — Aziz Ansari
- “Before you marry a person you should make them use a computer with slow internet to see who they really are.” — Will Ferrell
- “My Dad said, always leave them wanting more. Ironically, that’s how he lost his job in disaster relief.” — Mark Watson
- “Apparently smoking cannabis can affect your short term memory. Well if that’s true, what do you think smoking cannabis does?” — Mickey P Kerr
- “Y’know, if those pews reclined, and the priests gave the Raiders scores, I’d go to church every Sunday.” — George Lopez
- “As long as you’re a tax deduction, you’ll always be safe in my house.” — George Lopez
- “Just yesterday you were my little girl on a tricycle. Now you’re a young woman in a car, running over a little girl on a tricycle.” — George Lopez
- “I’m a big boy, but I can get jiggy with it. Ladies, I will go to dance clubs, and I will tear it up hardcore for a good 30 seconds.” — Gabriel Iglesias
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