Parents Are Seriously Relating To Chrissy Teigen's Latest Tweet

Chrissy Teigen nails the unexpected joy of hearing another parent’s kid crying
Our favorite celeb mom and professional tweeter, Chrissy Teigen, is always guaranteed to come up with parenting observations that make us nod our heads in solidarity and say, “Same.” Her latest tweet was no exception because it’s totally relatable and also because it’s hilariously evil.
The mom of two-year-old Luna, and brand-new baby Miles tweeted over the weekend that she’s not at all bothered by kids crying, as long as they aren’t her own. “I truly love hearing others kids cry now because it means it’s not my own. That’s a better feeling than silence, honestly,” she wrote.
People obviously weighed in and agreed the sound of another baby in distress can be quite soothing, in a “I have a hole where my heart should be and I’m totally ok with that” sort of way:
Listen, it’s not like she’s getting pleasure from it (probably), it’s just nice to know you’re not alone and that all kids lose their shit every once in awhile. And as any parent knows, your time is right around the corner anyway, so if in that one moment you get a little break, relish it.
Teigen and husband, John Legend, welcomed their second child in March, saying “Hello, world! This is Miles Theodore Stephens — We are drowning in his little peeps and nuzzles. Our household feels overwhelmed with love. Thank you for all your well wishes!”
With a newborn and toddler at home, it’s no wonder she’s happy when it’s not one of hers screaming at the top of their lungs. And that’s ok — we all need a break every once in awhile. All parents live in chaos and noise 100 percent of the time, why not celebrate it when it’s not our noise to manage.
Teigen is famous for trolling her husband on social media, taking down mom shamers, and finding the humor in all kinds of parenting situations. Yes, she’s a gorgeous celebrity with famous friends and tons of money, but she’s also totally, completely real. That’s hard to come by no matter where you look.
Here’s hoping she continues to share her parenting thoughts — the good and especially the bad — with us all.