Chrissy Teigen Says Her Perfect Pantry Will Give You An 'Organizational Orgasm'

Chrissy Teigen’s perfect pantry is a neat freak’s dream
Chrissy Teigen loves to cook and part of her livelihood relies on her ability to do so, so it makes sense that when it came time to overhaul her kitchen pantry, Teigen would reach out to the pros. Teigen hired a professional “luxury” home organizer to re-do her pantry and it’s so perfect, Teigen joked that looking at it will give you an “organizational orgasm.”
“Fuuuuuck look how purdy my pantry is!!!!” Teigen wrote. “Neat freaks, swipe for an organizational orgasm.”
Having an extremely organized pantry is kind of an Instagram *thing* at the moment. All the celebrities and influencers in the “parenting” and “lifestyle” space are getting a little out of hand with this whole “pantry organization.” Marie Kondo got us all to de-clutter, but hyper-organized pantries are the next frontier. Teigen hired professional organizer Ria Safford of RíOrganize to overhaul her walk-in pantry and Teigen was so impressed with the results she joked that “it’s like a grocery store.”
There’s an entire shelf for hot sauces and all her baking materials are sorted into clear, labeled containers. I mean, what do we have to do to get a walk-in pantry that size and that many different jam jars? Teigen literally has a different jam for every day of the month!
If you’re looking at this pantry and thinking that this level of intense organization is only for rich people with big home and tons of stuff (you’re not wrong), hold that thought because hyper organization is about to be everywhere. Teigen enlisted RíOrganize for her home overhaul, but The Home Edit has been doing the same thing in celebrity homes for a while now and Reese Witherspoon is producing their forthcoming Netflix show about, what else, insane home organization. When Marie Kondo told us to throw out everything we owned, we did it, so cut to us in a few months buying clear containers and color-coding our pantries like our lives depend on it.
Just you wait, your pantry is about to look like this too.
This article was originally published on