Trump Claims He’s Time’s ‘Man Of The Year,’ Time Says ‘Nope’

Trump’s latest faux pas offered up plenty of internet fodder from our favorite celebrities
Another day, another lie so staggeringly transparent delivered by Donald Trump. Most recently in the form of lying about Time magazine and their annual end-of-year, “Person of the Year” cover.
In case anyone forgot, he was awarded (much to everyone’s chagrin) “Person of the Year” last year. But claims he was offered the honor again this year (he wasn’t). Behold, the saddest tweet of all time:
Yeah, and the Powerball lottery people said I was PROBABLY the winner of hundreds of millions of dollars, but I turned it down because I’m better than that! Anyhoo — Time, for their part, expertly and immediately rebuffed Trump’s latest “LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME DOING A THING” attempt.
It’s like a car crash, isn’t it? You know what you’re looking at is bad — awful, even — but you just can’t not look at it. Naturally, the entire internet (or at least the non-Russian bot Twitter accounts sans American flag emojis in their bios) had a freaking field day, because this is just who we are as people now.
But by far the best tweets were those from some of our favorite and most beloved celebrities, who roasted Trump’s latest faux pas better than your Tony Bennett’s chestnuts on an open fire.
SLAY. Slay all day, JLD.
Even Luke Skywalker has jokes.
OK, that’s probably the best use of that meme ever.
12/10 would subscribe to that issue.
Tiger Beat! #NeverForget.
Billy Eichner is a gem and we don’t deserve him.
Even the pitcher for the Mets got in on the fun!
Personally, I would love to see Uma Thurman’s lip snarl and/or steely stare win Person of the Year.
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