CDC: Half Of U.S. Adults Have Received At Least One COVID Shot
The news comes a welcome sign that we are approaching a return to pre-pandemic life
A year into the COVID-19 pandemic, and the world is trying to adjust to the new normal. While by no means of the woods, we need to stop and take note of milestones, no matter how small.
In encouraging news, WGN-TV reports that half of all adults in the United States have obtained at least one COVID-19 vaccine, according to an announcement from the Centers for Disease Control. The benchmark is important, as the distribution of the vaccine is the country’s largest vaccination push in history.
While there is still a lot to do in containing the spread of the virus, the vaccinations, in conjunction with wearing masks and social distancing, will help efforts.
According to the numbers, almost 130 million people aged 18 or older have gotten at least one dose of a vaccine. The figure, which amounts to 50.4% of the total adult population according to the CDC, includes almost 84 million adults, (or about 32.5% of the population), who have been fully vaccinated.
Amy Klobuchar took to Twitter to celebrate the milestone. “More than HALF (!!!) of U.S adults have now received at least one dose of the vaccine,” the senator from Minnesota wrote. “And starting today, all Americans 16 years and older can get their shot free of charge. There’s light at the end of the tunnel. We are going to beat this pandemic.”
The Twitter account What Biden Has Done posted about the achievement as well. “Over half of all American adults have now gotten at least one dose of the vaccine,” the post reads. “The Biden administration is now only approximately 7 million shots away from their 200 million shot goal. With 12 days to go.”
Some worry that the vaccinations aren’t reaching everyone. “Half of US adults vaccinated is a remarkable milestone to celebrate,” one person tweeted. “Benefits of vaccine scale-up have not been shared equally though. We’ve got a lot of work to do to close coverage gaps across racial/ethnic groups as we open up vaccination to all adults.”
The New York Times tweeted that some seniors are having trouble accessing the vaccine. “All adults in the U.S. are now eligible for the Covid vaccine. More than half of the adult population has received at least one dose,” the paper tweeted. “But the next phase brings a new challenge: Some of the most vulnerable people may have trouble getting a shot.’
“Did you know that the #AmericanRescuePlan provided $7.5 billion for vaccine distribution?” one tweet read. “Today, half of all adults in the US have been vaccinated and tomorrow all the restrictions will be lifted for everyone over 16. Reminder: No GOP voted for the ARP.”
Even with the new milestone, some are still remaining cautious. “When this pandemic ends, will you fly on a airplane without a mask?” a tweet read. “Will you blow out the candles and eat the birthday cake? Will you eat at a buffet? Will you cruise? I won’t.”
As a reminder – it’s a vaccine, not the All Spark from the Transformers, it won’t turn injectees into Megatron, able to crush all enemies, big and small. It’s a tool – one of many – to fight the pandemic.
Stay safe.