Carrie Fisher’s Funeral Urn Is A Giant Prozac Pill

The iconic Star Wars princess had one last joke for her fans
Never one to take her struggles, or life in general, too seriously, Carrie Fisher saved a final laugh for her funeral, when it was revealed that her ashes were being stored in a giant Prozac pill.
That’s no urn.
The late Carrie Fisher was not shy about discussing her history of substance abuse and mental illness, and when she tragically passed away before New Year’s after experiencing a heart attack on a flight back from London, there was no shortage of stories about her fearless and funny approach to her own foibles. Now, thanks to her family, her irreverence will be with her for eternity.
An article on Buzzfeed showcases photos from Debbie Reynolds’ funeral, in which a large Prozac pill can be seen being carried around by her brother Todd. Turns out the pill is indeed an urn, into which Carrie’s family had deposited her ashes.
Todd Fischer explained it all to Entertainment Tonight. “Carrie’s favorite possession was a giant Prozac pill that she bought many years ago. A big pill,” her brother explained. “She loved it, and it was in her house, and Billie and I felt it was where she’d want to be.”
After being diagnosed with bipolar disorder in the ’90s, Fisher became an outspoken advocate for mental health. Her fame, and her larger-than-life personality, helped bring a lot of attention to an often stigmatized illness. Her family is helping ensure that Carrie’s efforts continue past her untimely death, in a manner she would definitely appreciate.
The images of Fisher’s family members walking around Debbie Reynolds’ funeral with a giant Prozac pill cradled in their arms is so bizarre and hilarious, it’s not hard to imagine a few knowing chuckles from family and friends paying their respects.
After all, this is a woman who wrote in Wishful Drinking, one of her best-selling memoirs, “I tell my younger friends that no matter how I go, I want it reported that I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra.” She didn’t say she wanted to be laid to rest inside a giant antidepressant, but it seems appropriate enough.
Her brother offered a bit more about why they chose the huge pill for her urn saying, “We couldn’t find anything appropriate. Carrie would like that. It was her favorite thing, and so that’s how you do it. And so they’re together, and they will be together here and in heaven, and we’re OK with that.”
Something tells me he’s right.