How Cannabis Makes Me a Better Mother

Oh, don’t be so shocked.
The “wine mom” is now an accepted funny cliché with a ring of truth, so why should the idea that a mom might opt for cannabis instead be controversial?
I’m hoping it won’t be for much longer. More and more American states are decriminalizing cannabis and Canada is about to go completely legal next month, so the stigma is slowly — and rightly — lifting. But people still judge — and they shouldn’t — because cannabis has been along with me for the bumpy ride that is parenthood, and frankly, I’m better off for it.
With legalization right around the corner in Canada, there are brands like Van der Pop that appeal directly to women, understanding that the Wayne’s World-esqe basement stoner is not the only customer for their product. There are a lot of us cannabis-loving moms out there, and here’s why.
It Provides Instant Relaxation
When my kids were little, I was exhausted ALL the time. Toddlers are lovable and enchanting, but they have to be watched literally every single minute unless you live in a house made of bubble wrap, which means you are “on” pretty much ALL the time. Between that and trying to prove myself at work (and getting compared to all my kid-free co-workers), I was wound pretty tight back then.
But when I could get the kids off to bed and then take a cannabis break with my husband, I was able to unwind quickly. Because guess what: I don’t HAVE three hours to do that. By the time the kids are in bed — especially now that my kids are older and go to bed later — and the chores are all done, I need a fast-track to relaxation and cannabis just takes care of it.
It Makes Playing With Toddlers A Lot More Fun
With just a wee little piff-puff of a low THC strain, it was so much easier to enter the kids’ world and drop all my long-day-adult-bullshit. LEGO, Lincoln Logs, Tinkertoys, pastels, clay, glitter pens, doesn’t matter; suddenly we were creating together and connecting on a deeper level. Instead of indulging the kids, I was right there with them, having a blast.
It Helps Me Get to Sleep Faster
I used to spend hours in bed with my brain spinning, reliving my most embarrassing moments of the day and planning for the next. Thank you, cannabis, for ending that unhelpful cycle on the nights I really need to get some damned rest already.
Van der Pop’s site has some wise suggestions for how to use the product properly — what to use, when to use it, and how to avoid feeling sluggish in the morning. Their advice is spot-on.
It Opens Up the Mind
I mean it: Weed changes your perspective on things. Unlike alcohol, cannabis can make you thoughtful, and you look at the world from a new angle. As a parent, I find this invaluable. I get distance from the stories I tell myself and approach day-to-day problems in a completely new way. And the next day, when my head is clear again, I examine that new perspective to see if it’s still valid. Sure, sometimes it’s nonsense. But many times, it helps me work through something I’ve been stuck on, including the kinds of issues that come up with the kids as they get older.
There are lots of women and moms who agree with me. In fact, there’s a whole community out there, and I hope it becomes increasingly acceptable to be part of it.
Van der Pop acts as a guide to help women discover and pursue new paths to self-care and happiness. With discretion, education, and style, Van der Pop enhances flower-powered pleasures through thoughtful and candid exploration of the plant and its diverse set of benefits.
This article was originally published on