Brody The Dog Adorably Hijacks Local Weatherman’s At-Home Broadcast

Tampa Bay weatherman Paul Dellegatto struggles to get through at-home newscast with his cute pup
As workers across the country are being forced to do their jobs from the safety of their homes, on-air news reporters are having a tricky time. One young anchorwoman was interrupted when her shirtless dad walked into frame, another meteorologist had to deliver the weather next to his yapping dog, and now Paul Dellegatto, a chief meteorologist for FOX 13 in Tampa Bay, has joined the ranks of remote news report bloopers. Dellegatto’s very good dog, Brody, decided he wanted some pets during dad’s broadcast and so, he went and got ’em.
Dellegatto was delivering the news from his home office — complete with a second screen that projected the weather forecast — but when Brody bumbled into the room, his big head hit the computer causing the weather display to go kaput.
“He whacked the computer with his head,” Dellegatto explained to the viewers. “Let me just verbalize the forecast.” But before Dellegatto could do that, Brody put his head in his dad’s lap and Dellegatto sweetly scolded him, saying “that wasn’t very smart.”
Brody then left Dellegatto’s lap and marched towards the camera, because apparently, he’s obsessed with “Craig” the camera guy who shoots the broadcasts through the window. Brody was very concerned that he could hear Craig’s voice but couldn’t see him through the door. Awwww.
Yes, we need journalists and meteorologists to continue to deliver the news right now, but we also really really need cute doggy videos during these trying times. Also, everyone at the news station was loving the Brody footage even though he completely hijacked the broadcast.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, Paul, but this is amazing and great,” fellow anchor Linda Hurtado is heard saying in the video.
“BRODY STEALS THE SHOW! It doesn’t matter if FOX 13’s Paul Dellegatto has work to do — his pup Brody just wants allllllll the attention!” Fox 13 News Tampa Bay wrote on Facebook.
The whole thing is aggressively cute, also if you look closely at Dellegatto’s desk, you’ll see a framed photo of his late pup Sparky, another adorable golden retriever.
After the footage went viral, the people demanded more Brody content, so Dellegatto uploaded a video of his dog alternating between trying to eat a worm and trying to sunbathe. It’s…perfection.
Listen, we want coronavirus to go away and for everyone to go back to work, but we also want more doggo interruption videos, so maybe we all collectively agree that newscasters with dogs get to work from home one day a week and if their pup walks into frame, so be it.