This Bottle Is Designed For Your Husband To Help With Breastfeeding (Seriously)

Breastfeeding is one of the greatest and most exhausting experiences of motherhood. There are so many amazing benefits, with one huge drawback — mama has the milk, so she tends to shoulder the majority of feeding responsibility.
Sleeplessness, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Oh My!
It’s in these moments of sleeplessness and exhaustion where, as a new mom, you find yourself wishing for detachable boobs so your hubby can take over. Wouldn’t that make all of this 100 times easier? In theory, there’s always a breast pump and your hubby waiting for his late-night wingman signal, but it’s not always that simple.
The transition from breast to bottle can be rough because breastfed babies tend to be picky about bottles. We get it, bottles don’t exactly look like boobs. Some bottles cause colic and gas, and those that don’t seem to include eleventy billion parts that require cleaning with a special, tiny brush. It’s not like new moms have the time or energy to clean those things — we’re running on caffeine and dry shampoo as it is.
The Bottle That Changes Everything
Well, thanks to the creative genius at nanobébé, there’s now a bottle that resembles a breast, ditches all the attachments, and still helps prevent colic. Its shape and simplicity allow bottles to stack together for easy storage, and that’s not even the best part.
Dads Love Them Too!
This nontraditional bottle is seriously the stuff nursing dreams are made of. You can pump directly into it, store it, warm it, and feed the baby all in this one bottle. And the very best part of all of this? Dad can easily feed the baby, so mama gets a break. She gets the chance to shower, take a nap, or eat a meal without a nursing baby attached to her boob.
To say this bottle is a total game-changer is a huge understatement, it’s freaking revolutionary. We are head-over-heels in love, and it’s not just the design and help from dad that has us swooning. The nanobébé bottle is the first bottle designed to protect nutrients essential to baby’s health. Thanks to its unique shape, breast milk is able to cool quickly, preventing bacteria growth, and reheat quickly and evenly, 2 times faster than standard bottles, preventing overheating and nutrient damage. Which means those pressure-filled moments of panic in the middle of the night when your baby is hangry-screaming will be the thing of someone else’s nightmare. You’ll be able to quash those hunger pangs in less time thanks to nanobébé’s unique shape and thin layer of milk. We’re not saying it will all be warm bottles and chill nights as a new parent, but it will be pretty dang close.
nanobébé is the first baby bottle designed to preserve essential breast milk nutrients. From pumping through storing and warming, the nanobébé bottle protects your breast milk and gives baby an experience second only to breastfeeding itself. Learn more about nanobébé.