Celebrations Erupt Around The Country After Biden And Harris Win

Honking horns, dance parties, masked-up crowds — the people are celebrating the new President-elect
After four years spent enduring the Trump administration, the people finally have reason to celebrate! Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are moving into the White House and the 74 million-plus people who voted for them are now laughing and dancing and cheering in the streets to celebrate this historic win and signal the end of the Donald Trump era.
PBS is live-streaming the scene outside the White House on the recently renamed Black Lives Matter Plaza, where demonstrations have consistently taken place in the last few months. The area is now filled with joyful cheering and celebration as D.C. is finally getting a new first family.
Unfortunately, Trump wasn’t at the White House on Saturday to see the crowds as he was golfing in Virginia at the time, because of course he was.
The country patiently watched Pennsylvania all week as they counted the votes, with Pennsylvania’s mail-in voters finally giving Biden the electoral edge he needed, so naturally, Biden supporters flocked to Philadelphia to celebrate. Note all the masks, because Biden supports know what’s up when it comes to COVID safety.
In New York, people who were previously going about their day erupted into spontaneous cheers when they heard the election news.
And banged pots and pans from their high-rise windows.
One lady in Brooklyn hosted her own solo flash mob.
The joy is infectious on this monumental day. Basically, at 11:30 AM EST, you could expect cars honking all over no matter where you were in the country. Well, probably not in red counties, but you sure as hell heard the honks of joy in places like Philly…
…and Atlanta, Georgia — who are celebrating much more than a Biden presidency, but the fact that Georgia might now become a blue state after all.
But the best celebration video of all was seeing Kamala Harris get THE call. Calm, cool, collected, and ready to stand side-by-side with Biden and get this country back on track.
These videos and celebrations are so joyful, but more than that, they let Donald Trump know how the public really feels about his presidency. Despite his best efforts to wield lawsuits to attempt to reverse the election results, these celebrations send a clear message and it’s that it’s over, you’re done, Donald.
We may not have gotten the election night victory many hoped for, but it’s happening now. After four long years and a tense week filled with what felt like glacially-slow counting, Joe Biden is the president and Kamala Harris is his VP. It’s a combination of elation and relief. Bbr while I go outside and high five my neighbors.