Here’s A List Of Bedtime Books You Actually Won't Mind Reading 957 Times

Every parent has been through a time when the bedtime ritual starts to become a little tedious. If you are having a particularly busy day, week, month… some of those end-of-day rituals can slip away. By the time your kids fall into bed at night, you may be so exhausted from the struggle of getting them in there that you just want to hightail it out of their room and pray for silence — instead of reading them a bedtime story.
If you do make the time to tell a story, you may find yourself quickly reciting Goodnight Moon from memory, or grabbing one of the many books piled in their room that looks like it’s been through the armageddon. And most of them probably annoy the hell out of you.
We all know the bedtime book ritual is a great way to calm kids down and wind down the day. If you find your eyes crossing at night while you’re reading to your child, or find yourself falling asleep before you can finish, take a look at this list. Some are old, some are new, but none of them will make you want to stab your eyes out.
“What Stanley the dog is actually doing while his oblivious family goes back to bed is deliciously absurd: he’s turning the house into a rocket ship to zoom himself and his family to another planet for an alien encounter.” Sound effects make it perfect for reading aloud. Silly and fun.
“The great expressions and action sequences are perfect. And while Bear is the star of the show, eagle-eyed readers will see some hilarious background scenes…An amusing read about taking and giving back that is sure to give kids the giggles.”
“A good title to share with children who may be afraid of the dark to help them see the lighter side of fear.” The night animals are scared — of night animals. An adorable way to help your kids deal with a fear of the dark.
“A whimsical assortment of havoc-wreaking critters is here to inspire Lucy—and readers—to turn their all-wrong days into all-right ones.” Adorably teaches your kids to be little optimists.
“This lovely story about the power of books to help calm and focus would make a fun bedtime story for lots of families.” We follow “Sam’s” buzzing mind and calm down as he does. So cute.
“Celeste wants to give her mother something special—but what? Her search takes her up into the skies, where she meets the stars, the moon and the sun…” The illustrations in this book are amazing! Your kids will get lost in them.
If you have kids who struggle with bad dreams, this book is amazing. It comes with a “magical stone” that appears in the book that you can surprise your kids with the morning after your first read. “Dreams are tales lost in time, ’tis no reason nor is there rhyme. If your vision is untrue, hold this stone upon to you. Speak these words and you will see, how power within will protect thee: ‘I am Brave. I am Strong. All my fear, now BEGONE!'”
“Dragons love tacos. They love chicken tacos, beef tacos, great big tacos, and teeny tiny tacos. So if you want to lure a bunch of dragons to your party, you should definitely serve tacos. Buckets and buckets of tacos.” This absurd tale of a dragon’s love for tacos and hatred of spicy salsa will have your kids giggling themselves to sleep.
Kids can see that monsters and humans aren’t so different — especially in the ways they love each other. A sweet book for dad to read the kids.
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site
Your truck-loving kids will love learning all the names of different trucks as they put them to sleep in the construction site. Sound effects and rhymes make this one fun to read, too.
Snappsy is super annoyed with the narrator of this book (i.e. you) and it’s pretty funny. “Snappsy the Alligator (Did Not Ask to Be in This Book) is an irreverent look at storytelling, friendship, and creative differences.”
This adorable little dinosaur goes on a hunt for his mom, who of course has been there right behind him all along. Aww.
A father tells his son the stories behind all of his tattoos, and weaves an adorable tale of their family history. This one may inspire you to tell your kids your own tattoo story.
“Bedtime story meets Coachella in this adorable book about a sloth who packs up his pajamas to attends an arena festival for nappers, dozers, and the very best sleepyheads.” Need we say more? Who doesn’t love a sloth?
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