More Of Our Fave Bernie Memes, Because We Love Him And His Homemade Mittens

On Inauguration Day, thanks to Bernie Sanders, with his multipurpose no-nonsense coat, a pair of massive and very cozy-looking mittens, and a mysterious manila envelope, America collectively witnessed the birth of a viral meme. Thank you, Brendan Smialowski for capturing the image that set this all in motion.
It was a beautiful thing to witness indeed, exactly the content our weary hearts craved after trudging through four years of the previous president’s nasty, hateful rhetoric. We really just need to see our new Senate Budget Committee Chair leaned back chillin’ with his humongous homemade mittens like he attends a historic presidential inauguration at least several times per month, and for the internet to yield its bounty, as it is wont to do.
But first, about those mittens. Yes, they really are homemade, and even better than that, they’re made by schoolteacher Jen Ellis of Essex Junction, Vermont, out of — wait for it — repurposed sweaters and recycled water bottles. Have you ever heard anything more pure (or Vermont-y?) in your life? Jen, so sorry, but you’re famous now. Might be time to hire some mitten-making staff.
The tweet below is from February of last year. It’s probably safe to assume Jen is all booked up making mittens for the next 20 years unless she scales up big-time, so, good luck if you were thinking about ordering a pair of your own.
And now to the Bernie memes.
Yep. Biden definitely picked the right person for the job.
This article was originally published on