This Is BBC Kid's World. We Just Live In It

She effortlessly steals the show. Again.
Four-year-old Marion Kelly, interview-crashing daughter of the now-viral-video-famous “BBC dad,” is making waves on the web once again. This time, it’s her no-fucks-given attitude during the family’s press conference to discuss their moment of fame and its impact on their lives. As a result of her “performance,” Marion’s now an internet meme in her own right.
It’s official: we love this kid.
Last week, the family of Dr. Robert E. Kelly, a professor in South Korea, took the internet by storm. They didn’t mean to, and that’s the best part — his kids making hilarious cameos during a BBC Skype interview while he tries to focus as his wife frantically slides around the corner to retrieve the tiny intruders was instant viral gold. Thankfully, we haven’t seen the last of the Kellys, and the adorable Marion’s mostly to blame.
Yesterday’s press conference was meant to shed light on how the whole incident went down, with Kelly valiantly trying to explain what happened as Marion sat beside him, doing her best disaffected Miranda Priestly impression and absolutely slaying her second appearance on live TV.
Naturally, the internet is having a field day with every little detail of her vibe, from the withering stare to her adorable glasses to the ever-present lollipop dangling from her mouth.
Marion is queen of the world. We just live in it.
If she’s not in charge of us all one day, we’ll be amazed. And please keep upgrading those pink spectacles as you get bigger, kiddo. We’re so feeling your look.
She’s getting fantasy-cast in various films and TV shows.
We’re even pairing her with another internet-famous girl with amazing glasses in the hopes of creating the best crime-fighting girl duo of all time.
Someone also made Marion and her baby brother into the cutest gif in the universe.
She’s literally in charge, holding this press conference, with both parents gazing adoringly. And honestly, wouldn’t you?
Image via Yelim Lee/Getty Images
“We love our children very much and are happy that our family blooper, our family error there on television brought so much laughter to so many people,” says her dad, as Marion effortlessly steals the spotlight. Her parents may as well give up — nothing they say will be interesting to anyone as long as their daughter is around.
Marion Kelly. Our hero.
This article was originally published on