Band-Aid Launches New Line Of Bandages In Various Skin Tones

The 100-year old company is finally making colors other than beige
Band-Aid has finally launched a new line of bandages that incorporates more skin tones. The adhesive giant announced that in light of the current state in America, it is “committed to taking actions to create tangible change for the Black community.”
The new line offers Black and Brown skin tone options with the hope of creating more options for its diverse buyers. “We hear you. We see you. We’re listening to you,” the company said on Instagram this week. “We stand in solidarity with our Black colleagues, collaborators and community in the fight against racism, violence and injustice.”
In addition, the brand committed financially to helping further the Black Lives Matter cause.
“We will be making a donation to @blklivesmatter. We promise that this is just the first among many steps together in the fight against systemic racism,” the post read.
Many applauded the brand for acknowledging the need for adhesives that come in multiple tones. Others argued that it was past time for brands to recognize we all aren’t one color, given the company has been in business for 100 years. Still, others reminded people that Black-owned companies such as Browndages had been creating similar products for years for people of color, urging buyers to purchase from them instead.
Band-Aid, which is owned by Johnson & Johnson, has produced many different bandage designs over the years, catering mostly to kids (or kids at heart) with lines that include Trolls, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Star Wars, and Hello Kitty. But the lack of diversity in their adult lines has been the source of discussion for decades. They have embraced social justice causes before, like a RED adhesive for AIDS research, but surprisingly hadn’t considered bandages representing different skin colors (beyond the clear ones they offer).
Given the recent murder of George Floyd, who was killed by police in Minneapolis, and the protests that resulted for him and to end the systemic racism and police brutality that has been going on for centuries in our country, it is nice to see large brands step up and use their voice for good — even if that voice may be a little late.
“We are committed to launching a range of bandages in light, medium and deep shades of Brown and Black skin tones that embrace the beauty of diverse skin,” Band-Aid continued. “We are dedicated to inclusivity and providing the best healing solutions, better representing you.”
They concluded: “We can, we must and we will do better.”