It's Not Just Back-To-School For Them, It's A New Start For You Too

Have you ever considered that back-to-school also means back to YOU? Yes, wedged between the hoarding of glue sticks and finding those very specific dry erase markers with that even more specific type of red pen, you’re getting closer to freedom.
September feels like the beginning of the year anyway, so let those back-to-school-year resolutions fly? The key here is to not go overboard and assign yourself a million projects right away. Nah, this is YOU time, so ease yourself right into a delicious bubble bath of self-care and set that streaming service to binge.
So while you’re out doing all your back-to-school shopping, why not add a few items to the “you” list because SCHOOL TIME IS YOUR TIME, MOM.
This Year, Make Your Life Easier By Packing Lunch the Night Before
Lazy summer mornings are gone, and that means a return to the morning chaos. You’re trying to keep both eyes open while also telling the kids to get dressed, pack their school bags, and where is your lanyard and what died in your lunchbox? This year, lighten the morning load by really committing to making lunch the night before. It will make mornings a million times easier. But if you forget, just send them to school with a Simple Truth Lunch Kit. It’s probably their fave lunch anyway.
Make Just One Stop
Since at the top of every mom’s wish list is MORE TIME PLEASE, why are you going to 10 stores to get what you need for back-to-school? You’re going to the grocery store anyway, and Kroger has all the pencils, lunch boxes, boxes of Kleenex, and gluten-free paint you need. So zip through the store you know the best anyway and grab what you need, one and done. Now you have time to do what you want, like grabbing a pedi before hitting an R-rated, non-animated movie and eating allllll the popcorn.
Work Out While You Shop
If you’ve got fitness goals that include building back up that pelvic floor destroyed by having kids, some say you can turn shopping into a workout. Sure, you’ll probably never actually do a deep squat while reaching for something on the bottom shelf (because we all know that’s where the deals live). It could be fun anyway — if the neighbors give you weird looks, you can just be smug about how you can laugh without peeing.
Grab Some Fancy Bath Products for Looong Solo Showers
If you’ve had the kids home with you all summer, we’ll bet that means you haven’t had an uninterrupted shower and half your showers were in the terrifying pool locker room. But with the kids at school, you can turn your five-minute-I-could-only-shave-one-leg shower into a major indulgence as long as you don’t run out of hot water. Blast your favorite playlist or podcast and embrace the luxury of your purple poof, lavender epsom salt, exfoliation mitt without interruption.
Stock Up on Reading Material
When you’re grabbing the binders for the kids, hop an aisle or two over and get yourself some magazines or steamy paperbacks. Because there’s nothing so decadent as sipping coffee or hot chocolate while slowly flipping pages. Maybe add some “bonbons” like a ’50s housewife and snack on some chocolate-covered pretzels, popcorn, or — FINE — something healthy while you read. Talk about BLISS.
Add Hours to Your Life By Ordering Groceries
You want more time back? Check out the Kroger app. Then you can be the ultimate multitasking mom and do the grocery shopping while also enjoying the shade on Housewives. You’re boss like that. Once you complete the order, you can pick up your groceries at the store (they put them right in your car; you don’t even have to get out) or even get them delivered so the only time you have to stop your TV marathon is to put the ice cream away before it melts.
Get Yourself a Notebook Too
You’ve been double-tapping on your friend’s pretty bullet journals on the ‘gram, so why not finally start your own? Bullet journals are a combo of to-do list, motivation, and long-term goal setting, and you get to do it all with pretty handwriting and doodles (here’s how to make your own). So during your back-to-school shopping, grab yourself a cute notebook and markers and colored pens and go to town!
Look, we know that back-to-school can be six kinds of crazy sometimes, but when you add yourself to the list, it makes shopping so very much worth it.
The Kroger Family of Stores is your best spot for people-watching, but if you can’t make it into the store, Kroger’s got you covered. The Kroger app makes it easy to order groceries right from your phone, either delivered to your home or brought right to your car. Download the app to start shopping online today!
This article was originally published on