What To Expect At Baby's Six Month Check Up

At your baby’s six month check up, the pediatrician will do a basic physical exam similar to the one at your last visit. Your baby will be weighed and measured, and the doctor will discuss her progress on the growth chart. This progress will be discussed in terms of percentiles, but don’t stress out if it’s lower or higher than you expect it to be. The charts are to measure her rate of growth, and as long as it’s steady from one visit to the next, you’re right on track.
After the physical exam (and sometimes during), your pediatrician will ask you about your baby’s sleeping and eating habits, and check your baby’s mouth for signs of teething. The doctor will most likely discuss with you things like your baby’s vocalizations and behavior, and child-proofing your home for when she becomes mobile. You will probably also discuss things like starting solid foods, and how you can help her get ready to crawl, if she’s not already, and some steps you can take to mitigate teething pain.
Your pediatrician will address any concerns or questions that you may have at this point, and then tell you what you can expect from your baby in the next month or so, and answer questions you may have about that as well.
Immunizations: Your baby *might get a third dose of the Pneumococcal vaccine (PCV), the DTaP (Diptheria, Tetanus and Pertussis), the Haemophilus Influenza Type B Conjugate vaccine (Hib), and possibly a third round of the Rotavirus vaccine (RV). *The third rounds are usually given between 6 to 18 months. If this visit falls during flu season, you may also be encouraged to consider the flu vaccine. Shots are usually given by the nurse, and usually occur at the end of the visit.
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