Hospital Dresses Infants As Baby Yoda And Cute, They Are

Dozens of tiny Baby Yoda babies in one hospital? Sign us up
Is there anything cuter than babies in costumes? I would argue that there is not. And so bless UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital in Pittsburgh for dressing its babies up in different costumes all the time. For the holiday season this year, they leaned into one of the biggest trends (and memes) out there right now, and dressed all the little ones like tiny Baby Yoda.
Courtesy of UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital
Courtesy of UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital
“Every day at Magee we celebrate the birth of babies, and this holiday tradition probably began decades ago when we dressed our babies in stockings,” said Patty Genday, chief nursing officer and vice president of patient care services for the hospital. We have such a wonderful, creative staff here that it has just transitioned to many different celebrations. We have an employee in particular who knits outfits, so this year she’s knitted a special outfit that is just out of this world for our babies.”
Courtesy of UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital
Courtesy of UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital
New parents Bri and Sean McGowan got to take part in the fun tradition, dressing up their newborn son, Jackson. The couple said they’re huge Star Wars fans who have already watched The Mandalorian on Disney Plus.
Courtesy of UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital
Courtesy of UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital
“I was so excited. I mean, it’s so cute. It’s so beautiful,” mom Bri said, holding Jackson in her lap. His new Baby Yoda hat will go great with the plush toy a friend knitted for them.
All the Baby Yoda hats were knitted by Caitlin Pechin, a nurse at Magee. She puts her knitting skills to good use for the hospital on a regular basis, creating the other costumes they’ve used for infant photo shoots that have also gone viral.
Courtesy of UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital
Courtesy of UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital
Yes, this is the same hospital that made headlines for dressing up all its babies in red cardigans to remember Fred Rogers on World Kindness Day earlier this year. It’s really a toss-up which outfit is cuter — Mr. Rogers or Baby Yoda.
Courtesy of UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital
Courtesy of UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital
Actually, we think Baby Yoda wins. It’s just too precious. And now we’ll just be here looking at these photos all day, and wondering what adorable costume theme this hospital will come up with for the next time it dresses up all its newborns.