'Baby Shark' Is Coming To A City Near You For Its Live Tour

Get ready, parents — Baby Shark Live’s hitting the road
It’s taken over your iPad, phone, television, brain, and even the Billboard Top 100. And now, viral kiddie phenomenon “Baby Shark” is heading to a city near you for a live Baby Shark experience.
Because everything is terrible and parents can’t ever catch a break.
Baby Shark Live is being produced by Round Room Live, the same company that produced the live show for Disney Jr.’s PJ Masks series and the ice skating series Rock the Rink. The Baby Shark tour will begin haunting our dreams sometime this fall in more than 100 U.S. and Canadian markets. You can run, but you can’t hide.
The viral earworm has now gathered close to three BILLION views on YouTube (and you know at least 20,000 of them are from your kid alone) and has infiltrated our lives in so many ways we’ve lost count.
Aside from the staggeringly popular YouTube video, you can also bring the Shark fam into your home via these singing (cringe) stuffed toys from Amazon. The viral hit is also slated to become its own Nickelodeon show and has been used by a major league ballplayer as his walk-out song. We literally can’t escape its popularity, so might as well embrace it.
Round Room Live’s co-president Stephen Shaw tells Billboard about the preliminary plans for the show — and it sounds like it will be about more than just that infectious little ditty. “There’s obviously something incredible there with Baby Shark and the toughest part for us is taking the three minute viral video and being able to produce a live show for the stage,” he says. “Thankfully Pinkfong has a large catalog of songs that we have access to, with more than 400 titles.”
Shaw says that includes songs like, “Five Little Monkeys,” “Wheels on the Bus,” “Jungle Boogie,” and “Monkey Banana Dance,” which will all be part of the stage show song and dance party. The live show will center around (duh) Baby Shark and also, a fox named Pinkfong, who is the mascot of the web series.
“They will be on an adventure to find new friends, both by land and by sea, taking families in the audience on that journey with them,” Shaw explains. “The show is aimed at preschool age kids as young as two years old and will feature a ten person cast and a large video component.”
But it’s not all frivolous preschooler fun, y’all. “There’s also an educational element that includes counting, colors and the ABCs as well as a lot of singing and dancing elements with kids running up and down the aisles and having a good time,” says Shaw.
Sigh. Ok. It sounds pretty great, even if we might doo doo doo doo doo doo harm to our iPads if we have to hear that song one more time. Watch for more info on tickets starting on July 9 when a partial tour schedule will be announced.
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