20+ Wild Wolf Baby Names Rooted In Global Folklore

Throughout history and across the globe, wolves have featured prominently in storytelling and lesson giving. The Turkish hold wolves in high regards, believing a wolf is the father of the Turkic tribes. In Scotland, the goddess Cailleach rode through the land on a wolf while carrying a hammer and wand made of human flesh. She was fierce and wild — a protector of wild things. The Cherokee even have lore about the dog and the wolf that tells the story of how the dog became domesticated (he liked keeping warm by the man-made fire) and the wolf remained wild (he liked the cold of the mountain). No matter where you go in this world, the people of the land have stories of the wolves that live around them.
Wolves have long represented shapeshifters, romance, and the sacredness of nature. Their meaning and symbolism vary but stay on the theme of power and strength. The animal also has connotations of darkness and aggression. However, they are generally viewed as curious creatures, intelligent, protective, and embody what it means to stand for your family or those you hold dear. They have an admirable social structure that is rooted in caring for everyone and leaving no one behind. They also signify religious aspects and are linked to symbols like light, sun, moon, and the spirit. Wolves have a close relation to Hades as well, the God of the underworld. In western culture, they represent hunger and starvation or a decline in extreme wealth or prosperity. Some believe wolf tendencies lurk deep inside of their house dogs, which isn’t a huge stretch since they are descendants of wolves.
It makes sense, then, that so many people are fascinated by wolves and aim to name their children after these fierce and powerful creatures. Wolves are seen as highly intelligent and fiercely devoted to family. They’ve also exhibited signs of empathy in that the pack only ever goes as fast as its oldest, slowest member. Who wouldn’t hope and pray that their kiddo inherits those same traits? You could easily choose a name from your Chinese or Irish heritage. However, if you feel a strong draw to the wolves of the world, you might find yourself wondering about names with wolf-bound meanings. Names like Lupe or Lupita are feminine spins on Guadalupe and refer to the “valley of the wolves.” Meanwhile, the name Accalia comes from Greek mythology where she served as foster mother to Romulus and Remus.
For centuries Wolves have been entwined with folklore and danger. They’re the monster that huffs and puffs or eats your grandmother, but the animal itself is far more than a classic fairytale villain. When you see a pack of wolves, it safe to assume that they’re all part of the same lineage. Sometimes a lone wolf is welcomed into the pack, but it is not common. And within a pack, contrary to popular belief, there is no fight for the alpha rank. When a wolf is old enough, it may venture off and create its own pack — this group of animals is less about rank and more about family. When it comes to the pups in the group, it’s not just the responsibility of the parents but of the entire pack to step up and look out for the little ones.
The point is, naming your child after a wolf is pretty badass. Wolf names tend to be an exquisite blend between 17th-century charm and mystery that will have you howling for more. So if you are in love with the moon, see your family as your pack, or think your dog is part timber wolf, this list will definitely make you reevaluate your baby name ideas. Wolves are one of the few predators associated with admirable themes like principle, strength, sacrifice, and family. If there’s any animal your kid’s name should be associated with, this is the one.
The names we’ve collected here span multiple heritages and explore both sides of the wolf’s persona: caring and wild.
- Accalia
- Adolphus
- Agwang
- Amaruq
- Aphrodite
- Beowulf
- Bleddyn
- Chan
- Channing
- Conan
- Conner
- Connor
- Conri
- Coyote
- Daciana
- Dolph
- Faoiltiarna
- Farkas
- Freki
- Gonzalo
- Guadalupe
- Gunnolf
- Honiahaka
- Ivaylo
- Ivy
- Kamber
- Katniss
- Louve
- Lovel
- Lovetta
- Luna
- Lupe
- Marrok
- Mingan
- Orfilia
- Otsana
- Phelan
- Rafe
- Randolf
- Sassaba
- Tala
- Ulmer
- Ulva
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