50 Famous Vampire Names Perfect For Your Halloween Baby

What do you picture when you think of vampires? Sure, you might be a bit creeped out at first. But vampires aren’t your typical Halloween-type “monsters,” and they’re certainly not witches. They’re dark and brooding, but also alluring. After all, the whole lore behind vampires is that they seduced their victims or prey.
The idea of vampires didn’t come from Twilight or even Anne Rice. Stories and warnings of vampires are traced back to centuries ago. For that reason, older names are just as likely to sound vampiric as more mystical names. Though stories of vampire-like creatures and people have existed for millennia, most popular vampire folklore originated in Eastern Europe just a few centuries ago. The tales eventually migrated to Germany in the late 18th century and continued from there to spread across the continents. Thanks to their Eastern European roots, many popular vampire names tend to sound Russian, Romanian, or Slavic. Think: Vlad, Natasha, or Dracula. (It’s worth noting that Vlad and Dracula are often the same entity.)
Of course, modern pop culture vampires come with more western names. Over the last twenty years, we’ve met sparkly vampires named Edward and Emmett (Twilight) and sexy vampire dudes named Damon and Stefan (The Vampire Diaries). On the baby girl side of things, those same series gave us vampire names like Caroline, Alice, and Jane. Fairly “normal,” right? Thanks to those iterations, there’s a reasonable excuse to say that just about any name could be a “vampire name.” Shoot, you could even make a case for “Bitey McBiteface.” But, you’re going to get a ton of strange looks and by 6th grade, your kid is going to hate you.
So, what do you name your kid when you’re dead-set (pun intended) on a “vampire name” but want to make sure they aren’t mocked for the rest of their life? We scoured our database and found tons of great options. Before you take a bite out of the list, though, peruse the following quotes for inspiration.
Vampire Quotes
“None of us really changes over time; we only become more fully what we are.” – Anne Rice, The Queen of the Damned
“A vampire, like a lady, never reveals his true age.” – Gail Carriger, Soulless
“I have never met a vampire personally, but I don’t know what might happen tomorrow.” – Bela Lugosi
“The strength of the vampire is that people will not believe in him.” – Garrett Fort
“Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!” – Bram Stoker
“How do we seem to you? Do you find us beautiful and magical? Our white skin, our fierce eyes? ‘Drink,’ you ask me. Do you have any idea of the things you will become?” – Anne Rice, Interview with the Vampire
“We enjoy the night, the darkness, where we can do things that aren’t acceptable in the light. Night is when we slake our thirst.” — William Hill
“The vampire is an outsider. He’s the perfect metaphor for those things. He’s someone who looks human and sounds human, but is not human, so he’s always on the margins.” — Anne Rice, The Queen of the Damned
“With vampires, there is such a great tradition that you suddenly find yourself a part of. Each generation reinvents what that means to them.” — Micheal Sheen
“Becoming a vampire means completely changing your identity.” — Park Chan-wook
“When other little girls wanted to be ballet dancers I kind of wanted to be a vampire.” — Angelina Jolie
“Everyone knows the phenomenon of trying to hold your breath underwater – how at first it’s alright and you can handle it, and then as it gets closer and closer to the time when you must breathe, how urgent the need becomes, the lust and the hunger to breathe. And then the panic sets in when you begin to think that you won’t be able to breathe – and finally, when you take in air and the anxiety subsides… that’s what it’s like to be a vampire and need blood.” — Francis Ford Coppola
- Aaliyah
- Alaric
- Albin
- Alcie
- Ambrosia
- Anakin
- Blaze
- Caspian
- Celeste
- Cleo
- Damian
- Danica
- Dante
- Darien
- Draco
- Drake
- Ellaria
- Esme
- Esmeralda
- Esteban
- Eudora
- Eury
- Gabriel
- Hans
- Igor
- Itzayana
- Katrina
- Laila
- Laird
- Leona
- Lilith
- Lucian
- Muriel
- Nadia
- Neo
- Nero
- Nikolai
- Odette
- Odin
- Rosalie
- Saros
- Sayre
- Sookie
- Sylas
- Tamsin
- Toulane
- Victoria
- Viktor
- Vlad
- Zander
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