Ashley Graham Posts Very Real Postpartum Disposable Undie Selfie

“Raise your hand if you didn’t know you’d be changing your own diapers too” Ashley Graham totally gets it
After witnessing her very candid pregnancy updates on Instagram, it’s not hard to believe that Ashley Graham is now a completely open book as a postpartum momma. During those nine months, she let us in on her baby’s sex, her thoughts on becoming a mother, her workouts, her weight gain (and how little it concerned her), and just about every other fun detail. Now, she’s making every mom feel seen by sharing a postpartum selfie that will look familiar to anyone who’s given birth.
“Raise your hand if you didn’t know you’d be changing your own diapers too,” she writes. Yep. No lies detected.
“After all these years in fashion I never could’ve guessed that disposable underwear would be my favorite piece of clothing but here we are! No one talks about the recovery and healing (yes even the messy parts) new moms go through. I wanted to show you guys that it’s not all rainbows and butterflies!” she shares.
Graham also gave a shoutout to postpartum product company Frida Mom, who made social media waves last week by releasing their commercial that depicted the graphic reality of post-birth life. The Oscars rejected it, but moms totally appreciate the spot for keeping it real and making them feel very seen. It’s not every day that we see a fellow mom on TV shuffling to the bathroom while wincing in anticipation of the painful ritual of a post-birth pee (or poop, heaven forbid). Companies like Frida Mom and voices like Graham’s are going a long way to help moms know they’re far from alone in their postpartum struggles.
“It’s unbelievable the obstacles we still face talking about what women really go through,” Graham concludes. And, isn’t it? Fortunately, we have people like her and other visible mommas telling it like it is so we know we aren’t the only ones cringing our way through a bathroom trip.
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