Anonymous Student Makes Valentines for Entire School To Remind Everyone 'You Are Loved'

Student anonymously leaves 1,500 hearts on students’ lockers for Valentine’s Day
Students at an Ohio high school found out on Tuesday morning, sometimes actions really do speak louder than words. When the kids arrived at school they were greeted with a single, origami Valentine’s Day heart taped to their lockers. Each heart was handmade with a simple hand-written message for every person that said: “You are loved.”
Image via Facebook/Troy High School
The student from Troy High School who wishes to remain anonymous began working on these individually handwritten hearts back in September. The person, identified only as “she” by high school Principal Katy Weaver, has been storing them at home in her closet, waiting to unveil the surprise until Valentine’s Day.
When all was said and done, nearly 1,500 hearts were handed out.
Image via Facebook/ Troy High School
Every single student and faculty member received one. Weaver saw the person, along with a handful of helpers, painstakingly taping the colorful hearts to every single locker on Monday night so no student was left out. “She just wanted everyone to know they are loved,” Weaver told the Troy Daily News. “In her mind, this wasn’t about her — it was about the school community.”
During the high school years, a vast majority of kids are just looking to fit in or feel a part of a group. It’s an age where a lot of kids feel lonely or overlooked. A simple gesture like these handwritten hearts reminding them “You are loved” can go a long way to show them they are being seen.
The story was shared on the Love What Matters Facebook page, and the reaction from those close to the school and others says it all.
“I teach at THS (through Upper Valley Career Center) and some of my seniors have never even been to their lockers, lol…until today. Seniors have never been so interested in them;) I guess there was also a line of students out the office door who were wanting their locker numbers so they could get their heart! ALL staff members got one in their mailboxes also.” Another wrote, “My son is a freshman at THS he loved that he got a Valentine. His was red, and besides the one from me it was the only Valentine he got.” Another commented, “As a student that never received a Valentine or even a card from a friend at school..this would of made my year. Seeing someone that equally loves everyone and including everyone is really needed in school life. Well done.”
Whoever came up with this idea has a heart of gold.
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