An Animal Photographer Took Dog Makeover Shots And We Can Have Nice Things

These doggy hairdos are pretty terRUFFic
Human makeovers are cool and all but makeovers for dogs? That’s some kind of next level awesome right there. What’s even better than a cute pup getting a trim and looking extra adorable is photo proof that it took place at all. Because if there’s not photo evidence, did it even really happen?
Grace Chon is an animal photographer and the woman behind the book, Puppy Styled- Japanese Dog Grooming, Before and After. She is truly gifted when it comes to this unique art form and she shared some photos on her Instagram page from a collaboration she did with dog groomers.
Let us explain further in photo form. Meet Yuki, who looks a little disheveled at first but in the second photo, bangs be gone!
The photos are almost too much too handle. But wait… yeah. We can handle it.
This next dog is Athena, who sadly passed away a few months after the shoot, but these fancy photos of her basically mean she’s immortal. She’s practically unrecognizable in her after shot!
Raider also got some a trim and he’s looking totally fly with his new freshly groomed scruff.
One would think there isn’t much you can do to make dogs cuter, but one would be wrong. Because these makeovers prove with a little effort, some creativity, and of course, expert lighting, anything is possible.
According to Chon’s website, Japenese dog grooming only has one goal: to make dogs look as adorable as possible! She has certainly succeeded in capturing that adorableness. The book features about 50 cute styled pups so if this photo shoot wasn’t enough cute for you, there you go.
If you weren’t a lover of dogs or makeovers, clearly you’d never seen them together before. But now you know — dog makeovers are the thing you didn’t know your life was missing until now.