Everyone Is Talking About This Photo Of Angela Merkel And Donald Trump

Angela Merkel’s office released the most meme-able photo of Trump ever
The office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel shared a photo on Merkel’s official Instagram account that is just… almost too perfect for words. Taken at the annual G7 summit in Quebec, the photo shows Merkel and other global leaders — including Donald Trump.
In the words of SNL‘s Stefan, this photo’s got everything: drama, frowning world leaders, a Jim Halpert-style look into the camera, Merkel showing complete and utter domination over Donald.
“Day two of the G7 summit in Canada: spontaneous meeting between two working sessions,” the caption reads.
Merkel is v. much the alpha dog in this scenario and we are so here for it. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe is also about as impressed as any world leader would be at a meeting with the current President of the United States. Also pictured are John Bolton, the U.S. National Security Adviser, British Prime Minister Theresa May’s hair, and French President Emmanuel Macron.
This image somehow perfectly captures how literally everyone feels about him — he is poised as a temperamental baby, and everyone else embodies a frustrated parent trying to get through to a toddler. It’s the most meme-able image ever, and the internet is having a field day with it.
Trump left the summit early to travel to Singapore for a meeting with Kim Jong Un, while the rest of the leaders discussed climate change. While it may be unclear exactly what was unfolding the moment the photograph was snapped, it’s no secret Trump is very sensitive about image control — and the popularity of Merkel’s Instagram photo probably doesn’t sit well with him.
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