Amy Schumer Gets Real About Pressure To Breastfeed, Says It's 'Not For Me'

Amy Schumer opens up about her decision to switch son Gene to formula after a month of breastfeeding
Amy Schumer has been completely open, vulnerable, and — quite frankly — badass, throughout her entire pregnancy and journey through new motherhood. She flashed her c-section scar at the paparazzi, she posted a breast pump selfie to Instagram, and in a new interview with the Informed Pregnancy Podcast, she got real about breastfeeding and pumping and why it just wasn’t for her.
Schumer revealed in the podcast that she struggled to breastfeed, she struggled to pump, and finally, she just realized “this is not for me.”
“I wanted him to get the colostrum,” Schumer said of the antibody-rich milk moms produce immediately following delivery. “We had a lactation expert come over. He didn’t latch and I just didn’t feel that push to make that happen. Then I pumped for like the first month. Then I was like, ‘Not for me.’ … This is not for me and I didn’t want to do it.”
After a month, she switched son Gene to formula, specifically the German brand Holle, on the recommendation of tennis pro Serena Williams, and said “it just has less sugar and he did great on that” though she noted that Gene was also fine with Similac and “was meeting his milestones” on the popular formula.
Ultimately, Schumer said she just felt “so much pressure to breastfeed” but realized that it’s “all in your head” and thinks women should do whatever works for them.
“You matter and it’s going to be better for your baby that you’re okay,” she said. “All generations were raised on formula.”
Aware of her platform as a celebrity, Schumer continues to be a vocal and empowered new mom. Just last week, Schumer shared a photo of a form at a doctor’s office and in the section where she was meant to give a “reason” for having a c-section, Schumer simply wrote “my choice.”
Schumer actually talked about her c-section in the same podcast episode as well, where she clarified that the severity of her endometriosis completely took vaginal birth off the table.
“I was throwing up through the first hour of my c-section,” Schumer explained. “It’s supposed to take about an hour and a half — mine took over three hours because of my endometriosis, and that was really scary.” She added that the doctors were “amazed” that she could carry a child, considering the seriousness of her endo diagnosis.
We are always here for Schumer’s shame-free attitude and approach to motherhood.