Amy Schumer Was Given A Hilariously NSFW 'Pregnancy Cake'

Amy Schumer’s sister-in-law sent her a pregnancy cake for the ages
Pregnancy can be so uncomfortable and full of doctor visits, trips to the bathroom, and lots of getting sick. That goes especially for moms-to-be like Amy Schumer who suffer from hyperemesis gravidarum, a pregnancy condition that causes extreme nausea, vomiting, and weight loss. Luckily for Schumer, she has family with a great sense of humor who are ready and willing to take her mind off the awfulness.
Behold. The completely NSFW “pregnancy cake” that Schumer’s sister-in-law made for her. I’m not what we’d call a prude and even I clutched my pearls a bit. Because you guys, there’s a butthole.
Her sister-in-law looks so proud of herself and we have to say, we don’t blame her. This is, um, pretty life-like.
Image via Instagram/Amy Schumer
She really went for it.
Image via Instagram/Amy Schumer
The butthole. Cannot unsee.
Image via Instagram/Amy Schumer
Props for realism? But judging by this reaction photo, Schumer is just a tad WTF about the whole thing.
Image via Instagram/Amy Schumer
Her face honestly says it all, but she’s a first-time mom, so maybe she’s not entirely familiar yet with how much of giving birth can involve your butthole. We hate to be the ones to confirm this fact, Amy. We know it’s not the best thing to hear.
But considering Schumer has dealt with HG like a trooper for most of her pregnancy, we’re pretty sure that she can handle anything this little one throws at her. The condition is a miserable one sometimes involving brief hospital stays like the one she experienced early on in her pregnancy, and missing out on the things in life that you normally love to do. Like Schumer having to cancel shows because she was too sick to go on.
She’s truly been put through the wringer.
We hope this hilarious cake was the lift she needed, or at the very least, tasty. Although we will definitely understand if she passes on eating the, um, more graphic portions.
This article was originally published on