Amy Schumer Shares Very Relatable Mesh Underwear Pic

God Bless Amy Schumer and her giant, hospital grade underwear
Every mom out there knows about the mesh underwear. You know, the mesh underwear — the hospital grade guchies that every new mom gets. They’re far from flattering but deliver big time on comfort and necessity. Well, leave it to Amy Schumer to give post-birth underwear the day in the sun they deserve.
Schumer, mom to newborn son Gene, has been slaying the new mom content game. No, seriously, she gives us everything we didn’t know we needed and if she ever stops keeping things hilarious and real, we’ll cry. Kinda like the tears of laughter you’ll shed when you check out her latest Instagram post.
“5 weeks,” she captions her most recent two photos. “Hospital underwear for life!”
In the first photo, Schumer is just going balls to the wall with the mesh by wearing it proudly in the middle of the day during an outdoor stroll with Gene. And nothing else, minus a bra. Because she is a LEGEND.
In the second photo, she’s sweetly snuggling her baby boy while going bottomless except for — you guessed it — the mishmash of mesh going on south of her border.
Instagram/Amy Schumer
She’s not the first person — or even celebrity — to share the glory of hospital underwear. Last year after giving birth to son Miles, Chrissy Teigen shared her own pair of mesh that she, too, was happily wearing at home and not in the hospital.
Here’s the thing about the weird, horribly unattractive, one-size-fits-all, orphanage-looking underwear: it’s heaven. No joke. It’s big enough to fit the enormous, submarine-sized pad you need after giving birth while being light, breathable, and comfortable enough to want to wear nothing else until your vagina heals.
If you’re not yet intimately familiar with these babies, do not hesitate to snag a few extra pairs before you and your bundle of joy head home. It’s highly likely the sweet, loving hospital nurses will hook you up with a to-go bag but whatever they give you is not enough. Ask for more mesh. You won’t regret it.
Just chalk these latest photos up to reason number 340958304985 we love Amy Schumer as a mom. After such a turbulent pregnancy full of vomiting, she’s been sharing nothing but amazing moments since Gene came along.
Pumping sucks. LITERALLY AND FIGURATIVELY. Even celebrities can’t get out of it.
I don’t know about you but I could look at Amy Schumer’s post-birth pics until my eyeballs fell out. She’s doing real work by showing what things really look like, and not what celebrities are kidding themselves (and us, by default) that they look like.
Thank you for your service, Amy Schumer. And keep on keepin’ on in those hospital panties. They’re worth it.
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