Jennifer Lawrence Talks Pandemic Drinking On Amy Schumer's Cooking Show

Jennifer Lawrence calls into Amy Schumer’s cooking show to talk pandemic drinking
If you didn’t already know, Amy Schumer has a cooking show. Schumer’s husband Chris Fischer — a real chef — makes actually good recipes while Schumer cracks jokes and make drinks, and despite being filmed entirely under quarantine by Schumer’s live-in nanny, Amy Schumer Learns To Cook is pretty damn good. Then, to take things up a notch, Schumer’s bestie Jennifer Lawrence called in during the latest episode and they had a hysterical chat about well, surviving this pandemic one Sauv Blanc at a time.
“We’re drinking chardonnay because, as you know, I like an oaky chard,” Schumer told Lawrence after she got her on the phone. “What kind of wine do you like? I don’t remember because I’m a bad friend.”
Lawrence told her she likes “Sauvignon Blanc,” before adding, “I mean, [that’s] if I’m drinking white, which I think is mainly for sluts.”
“How dare you,” Schumer laughed before adding that she thought Lawrence was a “red wine person.”
“You like a nice red wine earlier and earlier in the night,” Schumer joked. “What time in quarantine are you mostly starting to drink right now?”
“I’m trying to wait until 6, so I have, like, a preemptive beer at 5,” Lawrence responded. Then, without missing a beat, Schumer tells her friend, “that’s very classy.”
To be fair, Lawrence didn’t call into the show just to talk about which wines she likes to endure the pandemic with, she has an awesome roast chicken recipe that Schumer and her husband recreated on the show.
Lawrence’s roast chicken recipe calls for “lots of butter, olive oil and lemon,” plus some thyme which Lawrence says she spreads all over the chicken, including inside the “cavity,” to which Schumer deadpanned, “Well we’re out of thyme and as soon as you said ‘cavity’ I wanted to throw my phone right in the lake.”
Dan Jackson, director of culinary at Fields Good Chicken, told The New York Post that Lawrence’s recipe is “great” and called her flavor profile of lemon, thyme, and white wine “perfect,” though he’d suggest a tad less oil and butter than Lawrence’s recipe calls for (she uses one and a half sticks of butter), saying you don’t need quite that much to get the same flavor.
To be honest, we’d watch an entire hour of Schumer and Lawrence talking about food and wine and just generally shooting the shit. **Raises a glass** to Sauvignon Blanc and just getting through this damn pandemic in one piece **cheers**.
This article was originally published on