Amy Schumer Writes 'My Choice' On Form Asking Why She Had A C-Section

Amy Schumer writes ‘my choice’ under reason for getting a c-section for son Gene
Amy Schumer is a pregnancy and postpartum warrior. The proud mom mined her pregnancy for jokes in her recent Netflix special, she shares body-positive postpartum posts all over Instagram on the daily, and in a new social media snap she opened up about electing to have a c-section and her zero-shame and badass approach to doing so.
On Tuesday, December 17, 2019, Schumer posted a photo of a medical form to her Instagram Story. The intake form appeared to be for a standard checkup and asked questions about the birth of her son, Gene. On the form, Schumer wrote that she delivered Gene via c-section and when asked for the “reason” why she had the c-section, she simply wrote: “My Choice.” If there were such a thing as a doctor’s office intake form mic-drop, this would be it.
Amy Schumer/Instagram
Too often, having a c-section is seen as taking the “easy way out,” (for the record, it’s not) or that a woman should feel shame for scheduling a c-section before she goes into labor. A woman should never have to rationalize her “reason” for wanting or needing a c-section (while we’re on the topic, mothers don’t need to explain their parenting choices ever) and we love Schumer’s “my body, my choice” narrative as it applies to having a caesarean delivery.
Not only is she destigmatizing the act of having a c-section, Schumer’s been keeping it really real throughout her pregnancy and journey through new motherhood. Look at her out on the streets of New York flashing her c-section scar at the paparazzi! A kween!
While other celebs might make parenting look like some easy breezy stroll, Schumer is all about sharing, highlighting, and celebrating what actual motherhood looks like, breast pump machines and all.
Schumer loves hospital underwear, she doesn’t care if you shame her for going back to work with an infant, and she loves her less-than-glamorous breast pump selfies even if you don’t!
Grateful for this lady’s jokes, heart, and real AF attitude towards motherhood.