A Live-Action American Girl Doll Movie Is Coming – Prepare For All The Nostalgia

There’s a live-action American Girl doll movie coming our way, and be still my childhood heart
Remember the days when all you needed in life was your American Girl doll? And her historical backstory? And maybe a mini wardrobe full of her time period-specific clothes? Well, your kid self is about to be very, very pumped. There’s an American Girl doll movie in the works (and if Samantha, Molly, and Addy we’ll riot).
Mattel and MGM have partnered to create this childhood dream come true. The live-action film will be based on the line of dolls and their books and I’m really not trying to be greedy here but would really appreciate a cameo from Felicity, our favorite Colonial Williamsburg gal, and Kirsten, from the Pioneer Era.
“American Girl is a beloved, story-driven franchise lending itself perfectly to a feature film,” Ynon Kreiz, Mattel’s chairman and CEO said, per Variety. “In MGM and Erik we have world-class partners and we look forward to working with them to give our passionate American Girl fans of all ages another way to connect with this iconic brand.”
Sadly, no word yet on when the film will be released or who will star in it. We do however have some additional #AmericanGirlContent to keep us all busy in the meantime. There’s already been a live-action film released about Kit Kittredge, the young doll who was growing up during the Great Depression. The film stars a young Abigail Breslin, the trailer is below, and I think we all know what we’re watching for family movie night this weekend.
It’s been thirty-three years since American Girl was launched and the brand is still going strong. More than 32 million American Girl dolls and 157 million American Girl books have been sold – and there’s still a whole lot more dolls joining the club. Meet Blaire, Melody, and Maryellen, aka the new generation of AGs.
If you want even more proof that American Girl is still deeply beloved by all, just head to eBay. Some of the old school dolls are selling for thousands of dollars.
“In the last two years there’s been a rise in collectible values for American girl dolls,” Dr. Lori Verderame, an antiques appraiser, told TODAY. “American girl dolls reference particular eras in history and that drives the market. Collectors also look for dolls that parallel their own history, look like themselves, and are character dolls that come from the same lineage or location like Kirsten (from Scandinavia) or Molly (World War II).”
So, yup, you might want to go dust off your old Molly and Kirsten dolls for some big-time extra cash. It can go towards movie theatre admission for the whole fam when the live-action movie is finally released.