85 Magical Aladdin' Quotes To Transport You Back To Agrabah

While Beauty And The Beast may have earned a Best Picture nom at the 1992 Oscars, Aladdin left an even bigger legacy, objectively changing the game with its use of animated comedy following Robin Williams’ madcap performance as Genie. The film is not without its issues, but it belongs to a canon of Disney films that ushered in the studio’s renaissance in the ’90s. No surprise there, as it was composed by mastermind Alan Menken, the man behind other classics like The Little Mermaid, Beauty And The Beast, Pocahontas, Mulan, and The Hunchback Of Notre Dame.
If you’re feeling all kinds of nostalgic for Agrabah, we’ve rounded up the best quotes from Aladdin and its cast of characters that’ll feel like a magic carpet ride. Yes, we even have a quote from Abu.
“Hey, I’m a street rat, remember? I’ll improvise.” — Aladdin
“All this for a loaf of bread?” — Aladdin
“Trouble? No way, you’re only in trouble if you get caught.” — Aladdin
“If I were as rich as you, I could afford some manners!” — Aladdin
“I’m not worthless … And I don’t have fleas!” — Aladdin
“She thinks the monkey is the Sultan.” — Aladdin
Aladdin: “So, uh, this is your first time in the marketplace, huh?”
Jasmine: “Is it that obvious?” Aladdin: “Well, you do kinda stand out.”
Aladdin and Jasmine: “They’re after me! They’re after you?”
“Do you trust me?” — Aladdin
“She deserves a prince.” — Aladdin
“What would you wish for?” — Aladdin
“Trouble? No way. You’re only in trouble if you get caught.” — Aladdin
“Well, there’s this girl …” — Aladdin
“I have servants who go to the marketplace for me. Why, I even have servants who go to the marketplace for my servants, so it couldn’t have been me you met.” — Aladdin
“Someday, Abu, things are gonna change. We’ll be rich, live in a palace, and never have any problems at all.” — Aladdin
“You aren’t just some prize to be won. You should be free to make your own choice.” — Aladdin
“You, uh, you don’t want to go for a ride, do you? We could get out of the palace, see the world.” — Aladdin
“For the first time in my life, things are starting to go right.” — Aladdin
“Without you, I’m just Aladdin.” — Aladdin
“Wait, wait a minute. I’m… your master?” — Aladdin
“Provisos? You mean, limitations on wishes? Some all-powerful genie. He can’t even bring people back from the dead. I don’t know, Abu. He probably can’t even get us outta this cave. Looks like we’re gonna hafta find a way outta here.” — Aladdin
“Jasmine, I do love you, but I gotta stop pretending to be something I’m not.” — Aladdin
“Genie, you’re free!” — Aladdin
“If I do marry, I want it to be for love.” — Jasmine
“I’m sorry, Rajah, but I can’t stay here and have my life lived for me.” — Jasmine
“I’m a fast learner.” — Jasmine
“Unhand him! By order of the princess.” — Jasmine
Jasmine: “It’s a shame Abu had to miss this.”
Aladdin: “Nah. He hates fireworks. He doesn’t really like flying, either. Uh, that is, um … Oh, no.” Jasmine: “You are the boy from the market. I knew it! Why did you lie to me?”
“It’s all so magical.” — Jasmine
Jasmine: “Good night, my handsome prince.”
Aladdin: “Sleep well, princess.”
“Your beard is so … twisted.” — Jasmine
“Him! I choose … I choose you, Aladdin.” — Jasmine
“The ever impressive, the long contained, often imitated, but never duplicated … Genie of the lamp!” — Genie
“Ten thousand years will give you such a crick in the neck!” — Genie
“Yo, Rug man! Haven’t seen you in a few millennia. Give me some tassel.” — Genie
“Master, I don’t think you quite realize what you got here. So, why don’t you just ruminate while I illuminate the possibilities.” — Genie
“Phenomenal cosmic powers … Itty bitty living space.” — Genie
“Made you look!” — Genie
“Trust me, my pungent friend, you’ll get what’s coming to you.” — Jafar
“My life is but to serve you, my lord.” — Jafar
“Touch nothing but the lamp.” — Cave of Wonders
“You have touched the forbidden treasure! Now you will never again see the light of day!” — Cave of Wonders
“But oh, to be free. Not have to go poof! What do you need? Poof! What do you need? Poof! What do you need? But to be my own master, such a thing would be greater than all the magic and all the treasures in all the world.” — Genie
“Let’s make some magic!” — Genie
“That fez and vest combo is much too third century.” — Genie
“Tell her the TRUTH!” — Genie
Aladdin: “Uh, Princess Jasmine, you’re very …”
Genie: “Wonderful, magnificent, glorious, punctual!” Aladdin: “Punctual!”
“But remember, bee yourself.” — Genie
Genie: “Don’t you scare me like that!”
Aladdin: “Genie, I, uh. I … Thanks, Genie.” Genie: “Aw Al, I’m getting kinda fond of you, kid. Not that I want to pick out curtains or anything.”
“Fine, I understand. After all, you’ve lied to everyone else, I was beginning to feel left out.” — Genie
“Sorry, kid. I got a new master now.” — Genie
“Jafar, Jafar, he’s our man, if he can’t do it then GREAT!” — Genie
“Al, you’re not going to find another girl like her in a million years. Believe me, I’ve looked.” — Genie
“I’m free. I’m free! Quick, wish for something outrageous, say, ‘I want the Nile.’ Wish for the Nile, try that.” — Genie
Genie: “I’m free! I’m free at last! I’m hitting the road, I’m off to see the world! I’m—”
Aladdin: “Genie, I’m gonna … I’m gonna to miss you.” Genie: “Me too, Al. No matter what anyone says, you’ll always be a prince to me.”
“Oh! All of ya! Come over here, big group hug! Group hug! Do you mind if I kiss the monkey? Ooh, hairball!” — Genie
“I’m history, no, I’m mythology, no, I don’t care what I am—I’m free!” — Genie
“Your father has charged me with keeping peace in Agrabah. That boy was a criminal.” — Jafar
Jafar in disguise: “You’re only a fool if you give up, boy.” — Jafar
Jafar in disguise: “Things aren’t always what they seem.” — Jafar
“The idea has merit.” — Jafar
“I love the way your foul little mind works!” — Jafar
“Desperate times call for desperate measures, my lord.” — Jafar
“Ecstatic.” — Jafar
“This is not done yet, boy!” — Jafar
“The power! The absolute power!” — Jafar
“Look at this! I’m so ticked off that I’m molting!” — Iago
“I can’t take it anymore! If I gotta choke down one more of those moldy, disgusting crackers—BAM! WHACK!” — Iago
“Yes, oh mighty evil one!” — Iago
“To think we gotta keep kissing up to that chump and his chump daughter for the rest of our life!” — Iago
“What if YOU were the chump husband?” — Iago
“Jafar, JAFAR! Get a grip! Good grip.” — Iago
“You got a problem, pinky?” — Iago
“Uh oh.” — Abu
“Who disturbs my slumber?” — Cave of Wonders
“The diamond in the rough!” — Cave of Wonders
“How dare you. All of you. Standing around deciding my future. I am not a prize to be won.” — Jasmine
“Oh father, Rajah was just playing with him!” — Jasmine
“The law is wrong.” — Jasmin
“Friend Like Me” Lyrics
Well Ali Baba had them forty thieves Scheherezad-ie had a thousand tales But master you in luck ’cause up your sleeves You got a brand of magic never fails You got some power in your corner now Some heavy ammunition in your camp You got some punch, pizzazz, yahoo and how See all you gotta do is rub that lamp And I’ll say Mister Aladdin, sir What will your pleasure be? Let me take your order Jot it down You ain’t never had a friend like me Life is your restaurant And I’m your maitre d’ C’mon whisper what it is you want You ain’t never had a friend like me Yes sir, we pride ourselves on service You’re the boss The king, the shah Say what you wish It’s yours, true dish How about a little more Baklava? Have some of column A Try all of column B I’m in the mood to help you dude You ain’t never had a friend like me
“This is not done yet, boy!” – Jafar“The power! The absolute power!” — Jafar
“Well, am I sultan, or am I sultan? From this day forth, the princess shall marry whoever she deems worthy.” — Sultan
“Touch nothing but the lamp.” — Cave of Wonders
“Rick ’em, rack ’em, rock ’em, rake! Stick that sword into that snake!” — Genie
“Jafar, Jafar, he’s our man. If he can’t do it, GREAT!” — Genie
“I can’t believe it! I just don’t believe it! We’re never gonna get ahold of that stupid lamp! Just forget it! Look at this. Look at this. I’m so ticked off that I’m molting.” — Iago
“Only one may enter. I must find this one, this… diamond in the rough.” – Jafar
Jafar: “On a scale of one to ten, you are an eleven.”
Iago : “Oh, Jafar, you’re too kind. I’m embarrassed. I’m blushing.”
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