These Are The Things I Want My Daughter To Know

My Dearest Daughter,
One day you will be old enough to find a computer and Google me for yourself and maybe you’ll find this list of things that I want you to know.
I guess I could write them on a real piece of paper and put it in the top of my closet with your brother’s baby teeth and the shard of glass that I pulled from your other brother’s butt cheek, but I think we both know that it would get forgotten up there. Or lost.
I’m sorry I’m not the kind of mother who makes baby books and writes things down on paper, and I hope that when you read this, if ever, you choose to apply it to your life instead of freaking out because OMG MY MOTHER IS SO WEIRD. Please don’t rebel and post half-naked selfies on the Internet. That is not advisable.
Things I Want My Daughter To Know:
1. It’s important to act like a lady, but some situations warrant unladylike behavior. If you’re going to lose your shit, make it count. When the deed is done, fix your hair, reapply your lipstick, and carry on.
2. You’re beautiful. Make the most of what you’ve got. But also? Your behavior and your words will make or break you. Spend just enough time on your appearance to make you feel confident, and spend the rest of your time being the kind of person that others want to be around.
3. Be real. I want so much for you to be comfortable enough with who you are to actually be yourself all of the time. That person rocks. Don’t try to hide her.
4. Other women will try to tear you apart. I want you to carefully select girlfriends who will lift you up and support you. Pick friends who GET YOU. Band together with people who make you laugh so hard you cry happy tears, and who cry sad tears with you when appropriate. If you have friends like that, it won’t hurt as much when the haters hate.
5. Haters are gonna hate. One day you’ll stop caring. Until that day comes, it hurts.
6. You don’t owe anyone anything. If anyone touches you in a way that you don’t like, don’t just sit there and allow it to happen to you.
7. You’re going to be underestimated. I hope that you focus more on the high that comes from surprising people with your intelligence, than the temporary attention you’ll get from being a pretty girl. Anyone can be a pretty girl. No one can be YOU.
8. Your father and brothers are going to make it very hard for you to date. I’m sorry about that, but hopefully the boy who manages to impress those three will be worthy of your time and affection.
9. If you find a boy you like, then date him. You don’t have to marry him. Even if he asks you to.
10. You come from a long line of strong women. I expect you to uphold your heritage by finding yourself, settling in, and being true to yourself no matter what life throws at you. When in doubt, see #3.
11. Please, don’t have sex until you’re ready to have babies. Don’t have babies until you’re with the man you want to father them. And for the love of all that is holy, don’t stop educating yourself until you’re employable. Yes, I wrote all of that in bold. Take heed.
12. Even if you’re terrible at it, do something. Eventually you will find the right thing, the thing that makes you happy. The thing you’re not terrible at.
13. If you don’t like your situation, CHANGE IT.
14. And finally, go get a proper bra fitting. It’s well worth the extra time and money. It’s amazing what proper undergarments can do.