Here Are Some Stickers Because Adulting Is Hard

Etsy shop Peanut Parade makes adult reward stickers because being a grown-up is hard
Kids get sprinkled with stickers everywhere they go: school, the doctor’s office, in the checkout line of the nice cashier at Target. But unless we donate blood or vote, adults rarely get in on that sweet sticker action, and it sucks. Just because we’re older than our kids doesn’t mean we don’t deserve a little pick-me-up, too.
Andrea Powers, a teacher and designer behind the Etsy shop Peanut Parade, set out to remedy this. She creates sets of reward stickers and buttons just for adults. They’re like wearable high-fives to give us props for the really hard things we manage to do each day that we totally deserve credit for, but hardly anyone one ever notices.
Here’s a set that’s specific for moms:
Image via Peanut Parade/Etsy
Earning the, “I showered today” sticker will be easy, but one that says, “I remembered what I went upstairs for?” Yeah, that one might take some practice.
This pack is for anyone who’s doing their best impression of an adult:
Image via Peanut Parade/Etsy
There’s also these:
Image via Peanut Parade/Etsy
That sharply dressed turtle is almost enough to make you want to tackle that pile of clothes that’s been sitting in the dryer for two days.
This pack is perfect for people who hate both bugs and dealing with idiots:
Image via Peanut Parade/Etsy
And here’s a set that’s just for teachers. Because anyone who spends all day handing out stickers definitely deserves one of their own:
Image via Peanut Parade/Etsy
Powers told Scary Mommy her sticker shop was a happy accident. “I accidentally started a company. All because adulting is hard.” A fellow teacher and colleague of Powers’ was having a hard time recovering from surgery, so Powers decided to make her the perfect get-well gift. The gift went over well, but it was the left-over stickers that made adults act like hyper little kids. ” I had some left over that I put on a mom-to-mom handmade group on Facebook that I belong to. Within a couple days, I was getting requests for stickers from across the country.”
“Being a teacher, I know how stickers are strangely motivating,” she said. “I remember how kids my age growing up had sticker books and it was THE THING. You HAD to have stickers. Apparently that hasn’t gone away even though we’re adults.” It’s so true. Just knowing there’s a, “I shaved my legs today” sticker I could earn would be enough to make me at least consider picking up the razor while in the shower.
Power thinks there’s nothing wrong with embracing your inner child and giving it props for a job well done.”Being an adult and a mom is SUPER hard, and sometimes it’s just nice to be recognized for those thankless jobs you do a million times a day. Even if you’re just rewarding yourself.”
We’ll take the lot.
This article was originally published on