10 Board Games For After The Kids Go To Bed

Let’s face it: we love spending holidays with our kids, but we also love when they go to bed. If you’re spending the holiday with extended family or friends, it’s literally the perfect time to break out the adult bevs, snacks, and get an ab workout cracking up over a good board game. If that sounds like your style, try one of these:
1. Hedbanz No Limits
It’s your kid’s favorite game that has been transformed for adults. There’s even blank cards, so you can make up your own. If you dare.
2. What Do You Meme
Quite possibly the most hilarious game you will EVER play! Swear. Using the cards you’ve been dealt, you come up with captions for viral memes. Nothing can do this game justice besides playing it.
3. Smart Ass
You can actually let the teens play this one too. You’re encouraged to shout out the answers, even when it’s not your turn, as you answer the “who/what/where am I?” questions.
4. Loaded Questions
Another game that is guaranteed, gut-busting laughter. You answer questions like “What show would you watch if it contained full nudity?” Everyone answers all of the questions, and then the winner is chosen. Good times!
5. The Voting Game
No, it’s not about politics. It’s easy to set-up and easy to play. You ask a question, then you anonymously ‘vote’ for the friend who you think represents the answer to the question. You’ll uncover some real truths about your family and friends with this one. Eeek!
6. Trivial Pursuit Fast Paced Edition
A little more wholesome, but definitely NOT boring! If you get an answer wrong, you get an X stamp on your forehead (or your hand), and you get to keep playing until you have 5 stamps. We can’t wait to play this.
7. Catchphrase Uncensored
Another family favorite that has been remastered. The rules are the same–try to get your teammates to guess the displayed word, so you can pass it along before the buzzer goes off–but the words are slightly more elevated for the adult set.
8. Game of Nasty Things
Another one that is guaranteed to have everyone cry-laughing. Each player responds to each topic, and you get to guess which one of your friends said what. It’s sure to be eye opening.
9. 5 Second Rule
You can include the tweens and teens with this one too, but it’s fun for just adults too. You get 5 seconds to name 3 things that fit the topic on the card you draw. It’s not as easy as it sounds!
10. Family Feud Platinum Edition
I mean, how could we not include this? If you’re looking for a game that is fun, funny, and still suitable for work (and grandma), then here it is.
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