Adele On Breastfeeding:'The Pressure On Us Is F@*#ing Ridiculous'

Adele rants to audience at recent concert about the pressure moms face to breastfeed
After celebrity chef Jamie Oliver’s recent bullshit breastfeeding “campaign” where he basically shamed any mom unable or unwilling to nurse her child, it’s welcome relief to see Adele step up to the plate and defend the honor of formula feeding moms everywhere. At a recent London concert, the singer let loose with her feelings on breastfeeding — and wow, she did not hold back.
This past Tuesday, Adele ended her London show with an informal Q&A. A woman in the audience asked her thoughts on “breastfeeding mummies” and this is what she had to say; “Do you know what? The pressure on us is fucking ridiculous and all those people who put pressure on us can go fuck yourselves. Right.”
She could’ve dropped the mic right there and been a hero to moms the world over, but she wasn’t finished yet. Next stop, letting the audience know that she was only able to breastfeed son Angelo for nine weeks and that the pressure she and other mom friends have gotten to nurse their babies is flat-out ridiculous.
“It’s hard, some of us can’t do it. Some of my mates got post-natal depression from the way those midwives were talking. Idiots.”
Amen. One of the first things that kicked off my postpartum depression and general feelings of mothering inadequacy was the fact that my daughter wouldn’t latch properly. Having nurses at the hospital harping on me about giving her an ounce of Enfamil didn’t exactly help matters. Which brings us to the best endorsement for infant formula you’ll ever hear.
“Breastfeed if you can, but don’t worry, [formula brand] Aptamil’s just as good. I mean, I loved it, all I wanted to do was breastfeed and then I couldn’t and then I felt like, ‘If I was in the jungle now back in the day, my kid would be dead because my milk’s gone’.”
Adele ends her comments saying, “It’s not funny, that’s how some of us think.” And she would be right. In all the ranting and raving about how women should nurse at all costs, it’s easy to forget what a freaking miracle formula really is.
So many moms face pressure and judgment when it comes to breastfeeding. Be it family members or friends, doctors or nurses, there are plenty of assholes who think their opinion on how you feed your child is their business. And while it technically is the business of your baby’s pediatrician, it should only be as a note on their chart, not so a medical professional can shame a mom who isn’t nursing her child — regardless of the reason.
Adele’s breastfeeding tirade is something every mom who’s struggled to nurse or just plain didn’t want to nurse needs to hear. She’s giving a loud and supportive voice to all of us who’ve had some jerk condescend to us about how we feed our kids.
Standing ovation, Adele. Please keep speaking truth about motherhood so judgmental jerks will hopefully hear it and keep their useless comments where they belong — in their heads. You can check out the video here.
H/T Mirror UK
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