24 Free Activities For Your Dino-Obsessed Kid

My seven and four-year-old kids are completely fixated on all things dinosaur right now. Before this obsession began, I could barely tell a T-Rex from a spinosaurus. Now I can name and identify dozens of dinosaurs because my kids never, ever stop talking about them for even one millisecond. It’s all dinos, all the time around here.
We are passing the time during our COVID-19 self-quarantine learning even more about the giant lizards and prehistoric animals that walked the earth millions of years ago.
Here are some dinosaur-related activities to help you keep your kids entertained — all approved by my mini-paleontology enthusiasts.
Let’s start with books!
1. How To Catch A Dinosaur by Adam Wallace
This one is on the way here for my son’s Easter basket. It’s one of Amazon’s best-selling dinosaur-themed children’s books, and it’s a really cute read!
2. Danny and the Dinosaur by Syd Hoff
This classic easy reader favorite is sure to be a hit. Watch the read-aloud version here.
3. There’s a Dinosaur on the 13th Floor by Wade Bradford
Your kids will love this silly book. Read it yourself, or let your kids enjoy this very energetic read-aloud.
4. How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?
Find out in this book by Jane Yolen, or check it out on YouTube.
YouTube is full of dinosaur fun!
5. The Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology
This museum houses one of the world’s largest dinosaur displays, and runs this educational and informative YouTube channel.
6. Discovery Dinosaurs
Check out their kid-friendly playlist for tons of great dino info.
7. StoryBots Super Songs
Netflix Jr’s YouTube Channel features all the dinosaur themed songs from their educational favorite, Story Bots.
8. We Are The Dinosaurs
Marching Marching! We are the dinosaurs! What do you think of that? Who doesn’t love Laurie Berkner?
9. Pink Fong Dinosaur Songs
Here are some dinosaur-themed earworms, courtesy of the people who brought us Baby Shark.
Don’t miss these online virtual dinosaur museum tours.
10. The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
They’re offering free online tours. Don’t miss their dinosaur exhibit!
11. The Natural History Museum, London
This museum has several dinosaurs, including a super cool online exhibit dedicated to the rhomaleosaurus, also known as “ the sea dragon.”
12. The American Museum of Natural History
Take a Google Field Trip to to check out their fossil exhibit! Really motivated parents and really dedicated kids might want to check out these curriculum activities, too. They delve deep for an informative learning experience.
These printables and free activities will keep your kids busy for hours.
13. Free printables for all ages.
Check out this blog post for a list of printables. This 3-d poseable paper T-rex is next on our list of crafts!
14. Here are some printables just for preschoolers.
Preschoolers will really love the dinosaur-themed color matching game and other activities designed to be used with this cool dinosaur counting set.
Apps can be great for your dinosaur-loving kid.
15. Smithsonian Prehistoric Pals Collection
With these digital books, your child can learn about Saber-Tooth Tiger, Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus Rex and via an interactive app.
16. Dinosaurs 360
This cool app helps your kiddo learn about dozens of species with pictures, quizzes, puzzles and more.
If you’ve had about all the teaching and learning you can take, it’s time for a movie or a TV show. Try one of these.
17. The Good Dinosaur
Disney+ is home to The Good Dinosaur, of course. It’s a good one! What dino-obsessed kid hasn’t joined Arlo and Spot on their grand adventure about a million times already?
18.Disney’s Dinosaur
While you’re watching Disney+, don’t forget about this 2000 hit. It is really beautifully animated and features species like carnotaurus and iguanadon — way beyond the usual T-Rex and triceratops!
19. Dino Dan and Dino Dana
Your kids can watch Dino Dan and Dino Dana for free on Amazon Video right now. With over six seasons of material between them, there’s bound to be an episode or two that you missed.
20. Dinosaur Train
Don’t forget this one! PBS Kids is my fave, and Dinosaur Train is always a huge hit. My preschooler will get so mesmerized that I can take a whole shower by myself.
When you’re all screen-timed out, try one of these hands-on activities.
21. Dig It Up Dinosaur Eggs
These eggs are messy and fun. Send your little archeologists outside with a few of these and let them set up their own archeological dig.
22. Melissa and Doug’s Decorate Your Own Dinosaur Figurines
Paint a masterpiece and save the final product for gifts for the grandparents!
23. 3-D Dinosaur Puzzles
These challenging puzzle-type models are great for older kids, or could be a fun family project.
24. Dinosaur Shadow Drawing
This is a fun idea that’s been circulating all over social media. Use those plastic toys your kid already has to create works of art in the sunshine.
Whether they’re reading a book, singing a silly song, hanging out in front of the TV or digging a little plastic toy out of a plaster egg, your kid is gaining valuable skills. If trying to be your kid’s teacher while school is out is stressing you the heck out, introduce your kid to some of these fun activities and take a break from formal lessons. Remember, all learning is good learning.
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