7 Times We’ve Snacked in Secret That Had Us Grabbing The Pepto Bismol
Let’s just say it: 👏moms 👏 be 👏snacking! And if you don’t snack in secret at least sometimes, you’re doing it wrong. Around 73% of moms admit to doing some stealth snacking. And why shouldn’t we? These little and not-so-little humans we share a home with wouldn’t save us a single bite if we left the good stuff out in the open. So we secret-snack. Hello? It’s called self-care!
Sometimes all it takes is eating a little too fast, taking one bite too many, or just, ahem, unwise food choices for an upset stomach to start rumbling like a caged animal. (Looking at you, questionable leftovers.) Hey, it happens.
But in those moments of need, it’s good to know you can rely on Pepto Bismol for fast relief of your nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, and diarrhea. And even better, Pepto Bismol now comes in tasty chews that can give you fast, delightful relief.
1. “When breakfast #1 is for the family, but breakfast #2 is all you:
A granola bar on the way to school is a perfectly acceptable breakfast when you want to get the kids out of the house on time. But once you’re back home? Set aside a little you time and indulge in your own version of the most important meal of the day.
Suggested Pepto Bismol Chews Placement: Your back pocket.
2. When you’re ‘just getting some fresh air:’
Sometimes a walk outside just doesn’t cut it. So you get in your car to go for a drive. And that drive turns into a fast food run. And that fast food run turns into indigestion. But honestly? Worth it.
Suggested Pepto Bismol Chews Placement: Your fanny pack.
3. When you don’t need help folding the laundry:
When it comes to hideouts, the laundry room is the real MVP. That’s the spot! And if staring at the piles of laundry means you take a few too many bites of your favorite frozen treat, well, you’re a beautiful human, friend. Never stop being you.
Suggested Pepto Bismol Chews Placement: Pretty much anywhere in the laundry room. (You’ve probably got the place to yourself.)
4. When you don’t want to take the risk of having no leftovers:
The thing about tacos is that they. go. fasssst. Everyone loves them (seriously, does anyone not like tacos?) So you really can’t count on leftovers. That’s why you have one or two in the kitchen before anyone knows they’re done. It’s a #lifehack.
Suggested Pepto Bismol Chews Placement: Your spice cabinet.
5. When “Peak Adulting” Means Two Parents Hiding From Their Kids. But With Snacks:
We’re spending an enormous amount of time indoors with our kids. And they can hear a chip bag rip from lightyears away. It’s an impressive skill considering they can’t hear “leave your brother alone” when you’re standing right there. Which is why you and your spouse are currently held up in a secret hiding place hitting the snacks haaaard.
Suggested Pepto Bismol Chews placement: That one shoebox you knew would come in handy, some day.
6. When no one will notice ONE missing slice:
Leftover pizza is a gift. Do you want to ignore the universe when it gives you a gift like this? No. You stand at the kitchen sink and devour that slice in gratitude.
Suggested Pepto Bismol Chews Placement: Top of the fridge.
7. When you need to grab something from the car real quick:
Unpopular opinion: all food tastes better eaten alone in the car. The flavor of everything from milkshakes to leftover ribs to enormous burritos is enhanced when enjoyed in blissful silence.
Suggested Pepto Bismol Chews Placement: Glove box.
Never feel guilty about your secret snacks, mama. You’ve earned every bite, lick and taste! And if there’s trouble, you can get fast relief from Pepto Bismol’s NEW great tasting chews! To shop or learn more about Pepto Bismol visit their website.
This article was originally published on