10 Fun Sixth Birthday Party Ideas For Your Six-Going-On-Sixteen Little Baby

Time for another birthday party at your house? Your six year old is now “officially” a big kid and probably has a ton of ideas on the kind of party they want. Expect way more input than they gave on birthdays past. They’ll want to decide everything from cake flavor to friends invited to when it takes place (here’s a hint: They’ll always want their party on their birthday, even if their birthday is on a Wednesday).
The biggest debate, though, might just be the theme. Some kids decide on their next party before their first one is even over. From there, they spend an entire twelve months dreaming up ways to make it more fantastical. Other kids, however, will change their mind every day in the three months leading up to their birthday. You can help steer them in a fun direction, though, with our list of easy and super fun birthday themes you can pull off without a hitch.
Six Going on Sixteen
Somewhere in the last year, your sweet little princess might have become something that looks a lot more like a sassy teenager. An all-pink mini Sweet 16 party might just be the most fun route to go. She’ll have fun just feeling fancy for the day while you and your mom friends enjoy the joke.
Super Six
What kid doesn’t love super heroes? Whether your little one is obsessed with Marvel (Avengers) or DC (Super Friends), there’s a party just waiting to happen. You can buy the awesome pre-made stuff at any party supply store. Or, if your chunk is stuck on one hero in particular, consider DIYing your party with that hero’s colors and symbol. Example: A black and yellow Batman party.
Pajama Party
Most six year olds probably aren’t emotionally prepared for a full-blown sleepover, but they’d still enjoy a pajama party. Make forts, pop popcorn, watch movies and, most importantly, invite guests to show up in their PJs. You could even consider doing this event in the evening, so maybe your tiny guests’ parents can sneak away for a date night.
Soccer Fun
Even in the dead of winter, a soccer-themed (or really any sport) party is still an option. Most Midwest towns now have giant indoor sports facilities and, if you’re willing to work around their schedule, you can rent a “field” for relatively cheap. A few soccer-themed party supplies and a parent or two willing to referee a soccer game and you’re all set. The big perk here: A lot less clean-up than if you had the party at your house.
Tumbling Into Six Years Old
You probably know this already, but your little one’s gymnastics studio will also usually host birthday parties. Even their friends who don’t take or enjoy gymnastics will have a blast tumbling around on the mats, trying to balance on the beam and diving into the foam pit. What more could your future Olympian ask for?
District 6 Police
Got a little one obsessed with police officers? Go with a blue and black theme and let them play cops and robbers. Super simple, but highly effective and fun. Badges make great take-home presents, especially in a bag with a couple custom cookies.
Pokémon Party
Even if you don’t fully understand your little Pokemon trainer’s world, it doesn’t mean you can’t throw an amazing party. Consider hosting the party somewhere popular where the kids can work with their parents to play PokemonGo. Or play games that need bean bags (Cornhole, for instance) and use small Pokemon stuffies, instead.
Related: How To Build A Super Cool And Easy Indoor Fort Kids Will Actually Love
Nerf War time
If you’re a mom who’s willing to let your house get turned upside down in the name of fun, a Nerf war is the way to go. You couldn’t get any more perky and fun than with that blue and orange color-scheme. You’ll finally have a chance to use all those insane Nerf blasters you bought your family in an attempt to be the “fun mom.” Plus, a ton of discount stores (Or Target after Christmas) sell the smaller guns for relatively cheap — You can arm guests with their take-home present and call it a win.
Karaoke Party
Is it all Taylor Swift 24/7 in your house? Or maybe your future American Idol is obsessed with the “Moana” soundtrack way more than the movie itself? A karaoke party might be the way to go. Pair your kiddo’s favorite color with black and silver (like microphone) and you’re already halfway there for decorations. Next, all you need is to invest in a few kid-friendly karaoke CDs and then ask your friend if you can borrow their machine. (It’s a universal truth that a lady must always have at least three friends with karaoke machines. Don’t question universal truths.) One thing. You have earplugs for the adults, right?
Mermaid Party
Yep. Mermaids are a “thing,” again. But you probably already know that. If it’s summer, you could opt for a pool party. Don’t let the winter months rain on your little beach baby’s parade, though. With enough balloons and imagination, a mermaid can flourish anywhere.
Related: 18 Musical Games For Kids That’ll Turn Them Into Party Dance Animals
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