35 Weeks Pregnant — Your Baby Is The Size Of A 12-Pack Of Root Beer

Welcome to Scary Mommy’s pregnancy week by week guide! We’re here to give you all the info about what to expect when you’re expecting: be it pregnancy week by week symptoms, your baby’s development, your changing body, or ultrasounds and appointments. Here’s everything you need to know about week 35.
Your Body at Week 35 Pregnant
Your Uterus Is Super-Sized
Your uterus is sitting around six inches above your belly button now, so it’s not just your imagination — it is taking over. Your weight gain at 35 weeks is probably somewhere between 24 to 29 pounds, and you might be convinced it’s all uterus. It’s a funny thought, but you’d be surprised just how much your uterus has grown. By the end, uterine capacity is 500 to 1000 times greater than in the non-pregnant state. Yes, really!
Your Breasts Might Be Uneven
Let’s be real: Your breasts might not have been the same size before pregnancy (really, whose are… and who cares?). We only bring it up here because there’s a very pregnancy-related reason your chest might look extra lopsided at the moment. One study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that, in 76 percent of moms, the right breast produces more milk.
PUPPP might sound like something cute and cuddly with a wagging tail but, unfortunately, it’s far less pleasant. The most common dermatologic condition occurring in pregnant patients, PUPPP stands for “pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy.” It typically develops in the third trimester and can best be described as fresh hell. Sorry, there’s no sugarcoating this one — PUPPP is an intensely itchy, bumpy rash on your tummy (and possibly extremities). Your doctor may provide you with topical corticosteroids or oral antihistamines for symptomatic relief.
Keep in Mind This Week
After this week, you’ll be moving to more frequent doctor’s visits, about once a week, so make sure you have everything you need for a comfy commute. Download a contraction-timing apps like Contraction Master, Contraction Timer, Full Term, and iBirth can help you track how close your contractions are to each other. And if you haven’t already, pinpoint your pediatrician and inform your OB.
Your Baby at Week 35 Pregnant
Baby Is Almost Finished Growing
Right now, baby is between 17 and 18 inches long and weighing 5 ½ to 6 pounds. So, about the size of a 12-pack of root beer. While baby will continue to gain weight until birth, most of their growth is pretty much done by this point. Of course, this means there isn’t a whole lot of room for baby to move around. Still, baby’s kicking pattern should stay roughly the same. If you aren’t already, start keeping count of baby’s movement at 35 weeks pregnant, timing how long it takes to feel 10 kicks, flutters, swishes, or rolls.
A “Lightening” Has Occurred
At this point, around 97 percent of babies have dropped into the head-down position closer to the birth canal to prepare for birth. This is also known as the “lightening.” If your baby is being stubborn, they may be presenting breech with their butt and/or feet positioned to come out first. Your doctor might try to manually maneuver the baby into the correct position. In any case, your OB will discuss breech delivery options and risks before the baby’s arrival.
You’re Harboring a Little Eavesdropper
Your baby’s hearing has undergone a lot of development in recent weeks. Their ears are mostly developed by week 20, and they start responding to sounds around 24 week. However, at 35 weeks pregnant, your baby has probably been actively listening to your voice for a while now and might also recognize your partner’s.
Your Symptoms and Health at Week 35 Pregnant
Heartburn, Fatigue, Insomnia — The Gang’s All Here
Your late pregnancy symptoms should feel familiar, because you’ve been dealing with most of them for weeks. It’s the same old song and dance, except you may be too tired to do much singing or dancing at this point. Fatigue, heartburn, gas, swelling of the feet and legs, increased vaginal discharge, backaches and more likely have you counting down the days until your little one is born.
You Can Breathe Again… Finally
On the plus side, the shortness of breath that has had you huffing and puffing for the last month may ease up. If baby has dropped, you should get some long-overdue relief in the form of breathing more freely. Unfortunately, if baby hasn’t dropped yet, the shortness of breath might be reaching a fever pitch since your uterus is underneath your rib cage. Also, since hormones are making mucous membranes in your nose swell, it’s possible you’re now a snorer.
Sneezing Might Turn Into Peeing
Hooray for lightening taking a little pressure off your diaphragm! What a breath of fresh air, literally. There is a trade-off, though. Now, you may feel increased pressure on your bladder, meaning bathroom breaks may become even more frequent. You may also start to battle with bladder control issues. And you can’t drink less water, because dehydration could kick you into preterm labor.
So, it’s not unheard of for a woman at 35 weeks pregnant to sneeze… and pee a little at the same time. While this pregnancy incontinence is normal and not something to be ashamed of, it can be a nuisance. If you feel self-conscious, pop a panty liner into your undies. You can also lean all the way forward while peeing to ensure you empty your bladder.
Your Ligaments Are Loosening
Aches and pains abound at this point in your pregnancy, although most are relatively mild. Suffice it to say, your hips don’t lie, and the truth they are telling is “ouch.” What’s up with all this uneasiness, especially in your hips and pelvis? Well, as your body begins to get ready for delivery, your ligaments are loosening. That loosening is, as it were, sort of uncomfortable. In its defense, though, the loosening will make childbirth more comfortable.
Double Trouble
For a lot of twin mothers, week 35 actually marks the last week of pregnancy. As your doctor has probably informed you, twins usually arrive two to four weeks earlier than singletons. This is either because your bump swells bigger sooner and triggers contractions, or because your doctor feels it’s the right time. By now, you should pretty much be off your feet and resting all day long. If you still don’t have your hospital bag ready, get it done now (or instruct your partner to do it from your spot in bed). Even if next week is not your time to pop, it won’t be long after.
The contents of this article have been medically reviewed by Ruth A. Tessler, M.D. in July, 2019.
Written by Julie Sprankles.
Follow Preggo Nancy’s pregnancy journey week-by-week and share in her joy, her symptoms, and even her pregnancy cravings.
Read More:
34 Weeks Pregnant — Your Baby Is The Size Of A Family-Sized Bag Of Chips
36 Weeks Pregnant — Your Baby Is The Size Of A Rack Of Ribs
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