
10 Super Fun And Easy Birthday Party Ideas For Your Little Three-nager

by Deirdre Kaye
Originally Published: 
3 year old birthday party ideas
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Were the “terrible twos” really that terrible? Eh. Whether your soon-to-be-three year old sailed through them like an angel or dealt with their fair share of struggles, it’s still time to celebrate another year by celebrating with an epic kid’s birthday party. With another year comes bigger personality and bigger preferences. It might be getting a little harder to do whatever you want for their parties. No worries, there are plenty of super options out there just waiting for the right kid/parent combo to latch onto and blow out of proportion. Which of these will make your kiddo the happiest?


Lots of parents claim that their three-year-old goes through an independent streak and have dubbed their kids “three-nagers.” Why not play it up? This could like like anything from animal print to a sassy shopping theme. We’re sure your kiddo will stay a good listening, perfect angel, though.

Young, Wild And Three

Similar to the three-nager theme, this is another chance to go a little wild and have a slightly more grown-up looking party. Sure, it’s for your babe. But, this is your chance to do decor that doesn’t feel quite so childish. Maybe a sweet Bohemian, wildflower theme — flower crowns are mandatory.

Three Rex

Wanna throw a rawr-some party for your dino-obsessed kid’s third birthday? This is your chance to double down on both their age and their obsession. You don’t call yourself “extra” for nothing. Turn your play area into a jungle and find as many dino-themed games as possible.

Third Down

Remember when you brought your tiny little dumpling home in that brown onesie with the football laces drawn down the belly? You carried him around everywhere in that thing and watched many a game while letting baby boo nap on your chest. Now that he’s a wild man, does he still love hanging with his family during football games and know all the right cheers to scream? This football party is made for him.

Dirty 3rd-y

We love the co-oping of the “dirty thirty” party theme! If your kiddo is all about big, yellow construction equipment and waving at the guys from waste management, they’re going to love this theme! Fill dump trucks with snacks, give optimal time for playing in the dirt and make sure the cake features no less than three different kind of heavy machinery.

Baby Turns 3

The trick to this theme is all about the signage. From the very beginning, find one of those yellow “turn ahead” arrows signs and use that for the backdrop of the invitation. It’s kitschy as all get-out, but it gets the idea across — they’re turning three. From there, its all about tossing in as many cars and road signs as you can find or create.

Swingin’ From The Threes

A bit of a stretch, this one, but totally fun. Got a a wild animal on your hands who loves making animal noises, will climb up absolutely anything and shows no fear when leaping from, well, anywhere? Play it up with a jungle theme, complete with lush green backdrops and lots of animal-shaped decorations on the wall.

Arrr, Matey! I’m Three

Everyone loves a good dress-up party and the shipwrecked pirate is one of the easiest things to dress up as. Tell parents to bring their kids looking as swashbuckling as possible, but consider keeping some hooks, hats, swords and eye-patches on-hand just in case someone forgets or someone isn’t shipshape and sea-worthy. Remember, this is a kid’s party. We’re not saying you can’t have rum, but we are suggesting you keep it well-hidden.

Three-2-1 Blast Off

Much like the “love you two the moon” space parties from the younger years, this one should begin to hold more of your child’s personality. Are they really into rocket ships? Or do they just love their light up mobile that casts stars on their wall and ceiling? Play into that and they’ll have a blast.

Ball Pit Party

If none of these themes seem up your kiddo’s alley, that’s okay, too. One thing all toddlers and small children can agree on is the sheer joy of a ball pit or a play place. There’s absolutely nothing wrong or lazy about adding some more balls to their collection and turning some toddlers wild in the play room or having some mama’s and babies meet your at the Chik-fil-A playplace for lunch. You’re throwing a party — even the “simplest” version requires prep and clean-up. Do what’s easiest for you and funnest for your baby and that’s all that matters.

Related: 100+ Super Fun Activities For Kids And Teens So Bored They Can’t Even

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