Your 28 Week Old Baby’s Development And Milestones

You officially have a 28 week old baby!
How are YOU Feeling?
Your baby’s emotional development is in overdrive! Whether it seems like it or not, even a 28 week old baby can pick up on your emotional cues, and that includes everything from excitement to sadness. If you’re still suffering from postpartum anxiety or depression, baby is now in tune with those feelings and it’s important to remember that there’s help — you’re not alone.
Your 28 Week Old Baby’s Physical, Social, And Cognitive Milestones
You can foster baby’s emotional development by showering her with affection and basking in those smile-fests and bonding sessions. And don’t forget to enjoy a good laugh or 20 with her. Babies love to giggle and squeal at your silliness, so might as well milk it before she finds you less hilarious than she does embarrassing (I’m looking at you, teenagers).
Thinking of taking baby on more public outings? If you’re going on a long shopping spree or taking him out to eat at a restaurant, be sure you’re prepared. He’s going to need to be entertained lest he have a Code Red meltdown before the main course has even arrived! Bring some of his favorite foods and toys from home, and be sure you have enough to rotate throughout your excursion. Expect him to become easily bored; the more things you have on hand to occupy his time, the less likely you’ll be to swear off venturing into public and lock yourself in the house until he’s 18.
Read More:
Coping With Postpartum Anxiety
The Moment I Tell New Moms To Hang On For
Your 29 Week Old Baby’s Development And Milestones
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