20 Accurate AF Tweets About Growing Up In The '90s

The ’90s was the best decade to grow up in. We spent our afternoons outside with friends, but we also listened to the radio, watched plenty of TV, and played our share of video games.
We rocked the hell out of our JNCO pants and platform shoes. We shamelessly loved bands like NSYNC and the Spice Girls (and still do). We remember when cell phones were bigger than Zach Morris’s head.
It was before Wi-Fi, a decade when we could do stupid things without evidence of them on social media. There was no fear of being turned into a meme or a GIF. We were young and full of hope and hairsprayed bangs.
These tweets will bring back memories and help make the case for why the ’90s was greatest decade of all time.
We had the best books:
The best music:
And MTV still played music videos:
We might forget everything else, but ’90s lyrics are forever:
The TV:
We spent A LOT of time watching it:
Even Nickelodeon was amazing back in the day:
And we still know the lyrics for our favorite ’90s shows, too:
We had pogs. And we didn’t even know why they were awesome, but they were, dammit:
We all died at least once playing Oregon Trail:
And we’ll never be too old for ’90s video games:
We didn’t have to Instagram every meal before eating it:
We couldn’t even see our photos before getting them developed:
We learned patience through dial-up modems:
And back when we had to wait for Netflix before streaming:
But it was worth the wait:
We wore whatever we wanted:
We took our body piercings and tattoos seriously (read: not seriously at all):
Even the drinks were good:
The ’90s were a time when the X-Files were good and butterfly clips were cool. It was a simpler time, when the idea of a Donald Trump presidency was nothing more than a terrible joke.
Well, at least some things never change.
This article was originally published on