15 Tweets That Explain The VSCO Trend

Whether you have a tween or teen, chances are you’ve probably heard of VSCO girls. You might have a VSCO girl living in your house. Or maybe you’re still confused AF and wondering what the hell a VSCO girl is. Whatever the case, VSCOs are taking the world by storm and Twitter is here to help us make sense of it all.
First of all, if you’re wondering if you might know or love a VSCO girl, here’s your checklist:
Because basically VSCO girls are just kids who have borrowed our late-’80s and ’90s fashion trends.
Or you know… they’re from Oregon.
Even though our generation literally invented the VSCO girl look, somehow we just can’t pull it off anymore.
But it isn’t all about fashion. It’s also about the VSCO photo app (obvs)…
… and that “sksksksksk” noise that really just sounds like that fake laugh I do when I know I should laugh but something really isn’t that funny.
And if you get confused, just thinking of this handy reminder song.
But before we let VSCO girls take all the credit for their unoriginal originality, let’s remind them of the original “girls.”
But before we get too critical of the VSCO vibe, let’s not forget how ridiculous we all looked just a few years ago.
Basically, the VSCO trend can best be summed up as “our kids stole our ’90s fashion and made it confusing so we would feel old.”
This article was originally published on