Festive libations for washing down all the tacos and guac.
A tangy vacay for your taste buds
Pour tequila and orange juice into a glass over ice. Add grenadine (which will sink to the bottom), but do not stir. Garnish with orange slices and maraschino cherries.
A sweet tequila mix
Pour all ingredients into a tall glass and drop in whole peeled lychee at the end.
Hoppy flavor with a limey zest
Rub lime juice on rim of glass and salt it or use Tajín. Mix ingredients, pouring beer last. Garnish with lime and serve.
Savory with a jalapeño twist
Drop all ingredients into a glass and stir thoroughly. Garnish with a jalapeño pepper for added spice.
Breezy tropical drink with fresh herbs
Pour all ingredients into a glass and stir evenly. Garnish with a basil sprig, lime wedge, or cucumber slices.
A cousin to the Chelada, with a spicier Bloody Mary taste
Rub lime juice on glass rim and salt it or use Tajín. Mix ingredients together thoroughly or pour in beer last.
Juicy summery sweetness
Mix all ingredients together. Garnish with fresh mint, lime wedges, or small watermelon wedges.