Watch Women Read Actual Trump Quotes About Women And Try Not To Bang Your Head Against A Wall

New anti-Trump ad just uses all of the horrific things Trump’s said about women, verbatim
Donald Trump is basically just a horrific stream of endless terrible soundbites. When he opens his mouth a bunch of vile shit just flops out, and all of his supporters start cheering. It’s baffling. A lot of people are baffled. Especially by the women in his audience. Why, ladies? Why?
Here’s a new anti-Trump ad, starring Trump. This took literally no work, all the organization that funded it had to do was gather some verbatim Trump quotes, and give them to women to read aloud. The following video contains a bunch of things that Trump has actually said about women.
“Bimbo. Dog. Fat pig.” The video starts. “Real quotes from Donald Trump about women.” Then, a stream of horrible statements about women, courtesy of Trump. Here are a few:
A person who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10.
I look at her right in that fat, ugly face of hers. Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?
You know it really doesn’t matter what they write, as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.
Women, you have to treat ’em like shit.
Nice. Very presidential.
The most interesting thing about this video — apart from the fact that those are actual words that actually came out of a presidential candidate’s mouth — is the organization that funded it. The people behind the video are not democrats. It’s a political action committee called “Our Principles” and it’s made up of former campaign staffers for such high-profile republicans as Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, and Chris Christie. The campaign’s strategy? “To prevent Donald Trump from hijacking our great Party.”
Interesting. The ad has been fact checked by The New York Times. He has indeed said all of these things.
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