Woman's Tinder Bio Goes Viral And The Entire Internet Falls In Love

This woman’s tinder bio is making everyone fall in love with her
Online dating can be brutal. A person is given a brief set of facts about their potential date, only the most photogenic of images (usually from ten years ago with their ex cropped strategically out of the photo), and that’s it. It’s hard to know if the person will remotely be similar to what they saw online if they decide to meet in real life.
Meet Lauren from San Diego. Lauren lost her arm a year ago in a moped accident. “I was going pretty fast on a moped and lost control of it, and I hit the median in the road,” Lauren told BuzzFeed News. “I flew off and hit a sign and it sliced my arm off. I stayed conscious the whole time.”
By sheer luck, a police officer who’d recently received tourniquet training showed up and quickly helped Lauren. “I remember I asked the cop, ‘Hey, am I gonna die?’ and he said, ‘No, you’ll be fine,'” she said.
Lauren could have hidden her disability from the world but instead she decided to embrace it – and at the same time reveal her sense of humor to the world. When someone on Twitter shared her Tinder profile, it quickly went viral.
Her profile reads, “hands down the best catch on tinder. Face 10/10, body 9/10, personality 20/10, arms 1/2.” And if that wasn’t enough to endear her to the world forever, she listed her profession as “Arms dealer.”
“For a while, I wasn’t okay with the jokes,” Lauren admitted to Buzzfeed. “But then I started telling the jokes, and it’s kind of helped.”
“I have never really hid it,” Lauren told Buzzfeed. “People don’t see that very often, so a lot of people DM me to tell me it’s really helpful to them, people who are also missing limbs or are disabled.” Not only is she handling what life’s thrown at her with such grace, she’s allowing other people in similar situations to feel better and more comfortable with themselves.
We have a feeling this gorgeous, hilarious, confident woman will have her fair share of people swiping right in the near future.
This article was originally published on