25 Ways You Know You're a Stay at Home Mom

1. At least half of your meals consist of your child’s leftovers.
2. When your husband asks, “what did you do today?” you can’t muster up a single thing to report, despite feeling like you’ve been put through the spin cycle of the washing machine.
3. Your kids ask where you are going when you put on jeans.
4. You can clean your entire house with a package of baby wipes.
5. A “night out” is roaming the aisles at Target alone.
6. The TV has been on all day, but you have no idea what’s happening in world news.
7. Showering is a major accomplishment.
8. Your kids see you naked more often than your husband.
9. You actually know what the fox says, or what it could say at least, because 50% of your time is spent making animal sounds.
10. Your mood depends solely on the length of time your child napped for.
11. Putting a bra on means someone special is coming over.
12. On the way out the door, You look down at your kids crusty food on your shirt and think to yourself, eh, it’s not that bad. Or worse, you pick it off and actually taste it.
13. You fake stomach problems once your husband gets home, just so you can be alone in your own bathroom.
14. Your dog barks when you put “real” shoes on.
15. You have invited Jehovahs Witnesses in on more than one occasion, and scared them off after asking if they’d like a dirty martini.
16. You have to check the weather outside before you head out because you have no idea how cold or warm it is because you haven’t been out in days.
17. You consider going on Facebook “spending time with your friends.”
18. You’ve been wearing the same outfit for a couple days in a row…and you’re not sure exactly how many “a couple” means.
19. You’ve contemplated performing your own hysterectomy while preparing dinner… more than once.
20. Your vacuum cleaner is a permanent fixture in [insert the busiest room in the house] and hasn’t been unplugged for three months.
21. You have no idea what the date or day of the week is, but you can tell what time it is just by what cartoon is on TV.
22. It’s only 9AM and you’ve thought “I need a drink.”
23. You’re nursing an infant on the toilet while simultaneously scheduling a doctor’s visit.
24. The cup of coffee you are drinking at lunch is the cup you made at 5:30am, just reheated for the 100th time.
25. You don’t want to go to bed at night because the silence is just too beautiful, no matter how tired you are.
This article was originally published on