The Reviews On Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ Ornament Are Your New Favorite Thing

The internet leaves hilarious reviews for Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ ornament
Heat up some leftovers, grab a mimosa and settle in for your new favorite thing to read: the Amazon reviews on Trump’s “Make America Great Again” Ornament. Regardless of who you voted for, the 3,818 customer reviews and 173 answered questions guarantee a good laugh.
Lots of families across America set up their Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving, which could have you thinking, “maybe I should purchase this sparkly ornament.” You can find it on Amazon and it’ll cost you $234.99 plus shipping, but is allegedly made of brass and finished with 14 karat gold. Seems pretty pricey for a tree ornament that is modeled after a red hat made in China. Let’s dive into the reviews and see what America’s thinking.
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Image via Amazon.
A Christmas tree on fire sounds like a terrible way to spend the holidays.
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Poor Barbie. Apparently this ornament doesn’t know what consent means.
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This special Christmas decoration just can’t seem to get along with others.
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Ugh. Two million more people supported the blue one and what do we get … nothing good if you keep reading these reviews.
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At least it comes with extra freebies although they don’t appear to represent the true meaning of Christmas.
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Well, if Scott Baio knows it.
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Building a wall seems like a pretty expensive project. Good thing “Making America Great Again” isn’t a vague slogan that doesn’t actually explain how lofty goals will be achieved.
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Yikes. We don’t think any house needs more Nazis, but that’s just us.
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We’re starting to see a trend with this particular ornament.
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Yeah, pretty sure attacking baby Jesus isn’t part of most Christmas celebrations.
The price is high, but if you purchase Trump’s Christmas ornament you’ll feel good knowing you did the least possible to make America great again. Plus, you’ll alienate some neighbors and friends without saying a word.
This article was originally published on